Kim Dotcom loses his appeal for extradition in New Zealand


Wellington (AFP) – Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom suffered a major setback in his legal battle against online hacking charges on Thursday when the New Zealand Court of Appeals declared that He could be extradited to the United States. who is accused of netting millions of his Megaupload empire file share faces charges of racketeering, fraud and money laundering in the United States, carrying jail terms ranging up to 20 years.

Dotcom had asked the court to overturn two previous decisions that Internet Mogul and his three co-defendants will be sent to America to face charges.

Instead, a panel of three judges supported the FBI-led case, which began with a raid on the Dotcom mansion in Auckland in January 2012. She said the US authorities had [traduction] "sufficient prima facie evidence to support the allegations that the appellants conspired and intentionally and grossly violated the copyright for commercial purposes". [19659006] Dotcom is accused of industrial-scale online piracy via Megaupload, which the US authorities closed when the raid took place.

US authorities allege that Megaupload has raised more than $ 175 million in criminal proceeds and cost $ 500 million "We are disappointed with the judgment rendered today by the Court of Appeal of New Zealand in the Kim Dotcom case, "tweeted his attorney, Ira Rothken, stating that he would appeal to the Supreme Court.

"We have now gone before three courts each having a different legal analysis – one of which thought there was no violation of copyright."

– Extrading "without further delay" –

Dotcom and his co-defendants – Finn Batato, Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk – denied any wrongdoing and stated that Megaupload was simply an example of innovation in line.

The website was an early example of cloud computing, allowing users to download large files to a computer. server "

At its peak in 2011, Megaupload claimed to have 50 million daily users and account for 4% of global Internet traffic.

Dotcom's long legal battle has already taken place.

In her 120-page judgment released Thursday, the Court of Appeal indicated that she wanted the case to be resolved quickly.

"We are ordering the District Court to proceed now without further delay. He stated:

Under the Extradition Act, Justice Minister Andrew Little can now sign a court order. extradition of Dotcom to the United States. He may appeal to the Supreme Court, the last line of appeal for New Zealand, but he will need convincing new evidence that he will face a miscarriage of justice.

Rothken confirmed that his client was "Leaving his battle to stay in New Zealand."

"We are going to ask for a review of the New Zealand Supreme Court," he tweeted. [ad_2]
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