Aspirin shows promising potential as Alzheimer's …


Low dose aspirin can help brain cells clear a toxic protein molecule at the heart of Alzheimer's disease, suggest the researchers.

Scientists have shown that the common pain reliever stimulates cellular machinery that acts as a waste disposal system. the "clean" brain.

Genetically modified mice receiving the drug exhibited reduced levels of a key feature of Alzheimer's disease in their brains, amyloid beta peptide clusters.

An American team led by Professor Kalipada Pahan, of the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, discovered that low-dose aspirin stimulated the formation of lysosomes – tiny sacs in cells filled with enzymes digestive. that help break down and erase unwanted or harmful materials.

Scientists have written in the journal JNeurosci: "Stimulation of Lysosomal Biogenesis and Reduction of Plaque The use of low-dose aspirin presents a promising therapeutic potential for the treatment of the disease. 39; Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's disease). "

However, British experts called for caution.

Professor Tara Spiers-Jones, deputy director of the Center for Discovery Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, said: "Although this work is scientifically interesting, it is only In its infancy. "

"The amyloid effects of aspirin have been shown in cells in a flat and in a single model of Alzheimer's mice with relatively few mice per group." In addition, the study did not show if aspirin was helping the brain to function in this disease pattern. More work will need to be done to find out if low-dose aspirin could help prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease. "

Rob Howard, professor of age psychiatry at University College London, added:" Clinical trials of aspirin have already been performed in patients with the disease of Alzheimer's

"The drug had no beneficial effect on outcome measures and was associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding."

US researchers have shown that the mechanism was dependent on a PPAR-alpha protein, whose levels decrease significantly with age

This could explain why the tests on the effects of the drug were not important. Aspirin on elderly patients with Alzheimer's have yielded disappointing results, she said.

Dr. Sara Imarisio, Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "Aspirin is a commonly-taken medicine for a number of health problems, but there has been little research to examine the benefits Alzheimer's Disease Potentials

"This early stage research suggests that aspirin may help improve the way the brain removes amyloid, a protein known to accumulate. in Alzheimer's disease. The study reveals important insights into the mechanisms by which aspirin can affect brain health, but it is too early to draw conclusions on the question of whether aspirin could be used to treat Alzheimer's disease. "

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