Meghan Markle's yellow dress makes a lot of sense when you look closely


Just when I thought I had the style of the Duchess of Sussex, everything is fine, she's going to throw a key in the works. You see, the royal was busy wearing only nude shades, leading everyone to believe that it would be her "thing" from now on. But Thursday night, the yellow dress of Meghan Markle fell out of a storm and now I do not know what to think anymore.

The 36-year-old man attended the youth reception Your Commonwealth alongside Prince Harry. Arriving in a bright yellow style from American designer Brandon Maxwell, Markle has accessorized the must-have look of £ 830 with a pair of Manolo Blahnik heels and £ 500 naked diamond earrings by Adina Reyter.

While the royal family wore yellow outfits on occasion, it's the first time Markle has been seen in such a bright look. Maybe she was trying to pay homage to her LA roots (the United States had just celebrated the Independence Day, after all). Or maybe she was happy to be the center of attention given the Queen – that royalty tends to carry with her clothes so that all eyes can be on she – was not at the event. perhaps not realize, it is that the colors you wear each have a significant meaning. This is especially true for people like the royal family or celebrities who choose their outfits carefully, knowing that millions of people are watching.

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The yellow is particularly delicate. A survey conducted by Dulux Paints in 2011 found that yellow was the least favorite color of people with only 5% of respondents admitting to love the shadows. I totally understand. Yellow is one of the most visible colors, which may mean that some people tend to get away from it.

However, in saying this, the hue also has many positive connotations. Psychologist Carole Kanchier explained the significance of wearing yellow at the Huffington Post. His view that color is "associated with happiness, freedom, optimism and mental focus" helps to understand why Markle may have chosen the shade of banana.

The Duchess is now in the royal family for almost two months; a good amount of time to get used to the way things work and feel comfortable in their new role with the general public. Where perhaps she was a little nervous about expressing herself, it now seems that Markle feels more comfortable and free to unfold his wings of dress. And who can be surprised – she seems to have taken everything incredibly well.

Lucas Saugen / Stocksy

Apparently, our affection for yellow comes from childhood. Leatrice Wiseman, Color Specialist and Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, told CNN that people of all ages generally associate color with the sun, creating connections with warmth and fond memories:

pencils and they reach the yellow pencil and invariably in the upper right corner or the left corner will appear the sunball. "

While it is true that society can associate yellow with everything merry, it is also clear in my experience that many women do not like to wear color. Ask the average woman to choose the right one. That it is the least likely to buy and the yellow will appear, I guarantee it.


But why is it? It seems like it could have something to do in the omnipresent narrative that each of us can "draw from" certain colors.Well, maybe women should just wear the color that they like.If the yellow tickles your fancy, go ahead If you're really scared of soaking your toe, try buying an accessory or clothing that has a discreet yellow print to get you started.Before you know it, you'll be up and running. 19659003] Hat at Markle for defending the color and for av have proven that a simple dress can radiate happiness and confidence.

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