Hunter S. Thompson liked Ryan Leaf on Peyton Manning


Photo: Jamie Squire (Allsport / Getty)

Hunter S. Thompson predicts, in the most general sense, the coming of Donald Trump, or at least the blossoming of the reactionary, retaliatory, mutually assured base -Destructive this put him in power. (He also noted, as soon as someone, that the American experience had peaked and perhaps failed.) But, seeing or meperly perceptive, Thompson was not a match for the whims of the NFL talent assessment; He was just as silly as all of us.

Thompson was (unexpectedly and quite logical) a friend of Colts owner Jim Irsay, and a month before the 1998 draft, Thompson looked at the burning issue of time: Peyton Manning or Ryan Leaf? In a letter to Irsay, copied by both John Walsh and Johnny Depp of ESPN, Thompson informed Irsay that Leaf was the safest draft because "he looks strong and Manning is not. "

Thompson was wrong about Leaf and wrong to become very rich of" this film [D] epp "- Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas was a

Two years after the letter, Thompson would begin his column for ESPN's Page 2, which he wrote until his death by suicide in 2005. (His suicide note was entitled "The football season is over.") In 2001, Thompson advised Irsay to buy the original 119-foot roll on which Jack Kerouc wrote On the Road for which Irsay paid 2, $ 4 million, then a record for a manuscript.

Leaf, of course, would become a bust of all time and go down in a heap of trouble my legal and substance abuse. But he has been out of jail since 2014, apparently sober, and he is now hosting a Pac-12 satellite radio show.

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