Global warming could be twice as hot as expected climate models


Global warming could lead to twice as much heat as projected by climate models. In this scenario, the polar ice caps could collapse and the desert could become green – effects that are underestimated in current forecasts. ( Pixabay )

A new study suggests that global warming, which is twice as bad, could be reserved for humans in the future.

The new projections are rather dark: the polar ice caps could collapse and the Sahara desert could become green because of the aggressive changes in various ecosystems.

The study

Global warming can be twice as predicted by climate models and sea level can reach 20 feet even though the world reaches 35.6 degrees Fahrenheit An international team of researchers from 17 countries noted in the new research.

The team explored evidence of three warm periods that occurred during the 3.5 million years, when the Earth was 35.6 degrees Fahrenheit. (2 degrees C) warmer than the pre-industrial temperatures of the nineteenth century

In their observations, the team found that there are "amplifying mechanisms", poorly represented in climate models, which make the long-term warming worse than "This suggests that the carbon budget to avoid 2 ° C of global warming could be much lower than expected, leaving little room for error to achieve the Paris targets," said Hubertus Fischer, Senior Author and

The researchers drew their conclusion from their analysis of three warm periods, namely the Holocene's maximum thermal period 5,000 to 9,000 years ago, the last interglacial period of 129 000 to 116 000 years and the Middle Pliocene period. there are between 3.3 and 3 million years ago.

They combined measurements of ice cores and fossils, and then studied the impact of climate change. The first two periods, for example, have warmed from predictable changes that have occurred in the global orbit.

The periods provided strong evidence of global warming after climate normalization. The rise in sea level could persist for thousands of years, warns Alan Mix, coauthor and professor of Oregon State

Current climate models are centered on the quasi-team [19659005For15°Cclimateprojectstodaygenerallyunderestimatethemasimplicationsoflong-termwarmingsaidMix

He explained that these models can be invoked for low emission scenarios in the decades before 2100, but not really for larger or higher emission scenarios.

Parts of the world continue to struggle with the symptoms and ongoing effects of climate change. American landowners, for example, face a particular threat: sea level floods could destroy more than 300,000 homes in the country

The results are discussed in the journal Nature Geoscience . : 30 Tech Gadgets and Gifts for Father's Day 2018 Daddy Will Think Are Rad

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