NJPW G1 Special Results (7/7): Kenny Omega defends against Cody, Bullet Club is not very good


Welcome to the live coverage of NJPW G1 Special from The Wrestling Inc, which will begin at 8 pm ET! US residents can watch the show live on AXS TV. Those outside of the United States can watch live on NJPW World (about $ 9 to register). You can all share your thoughts throughout the show in the comments section below.

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SHO, YOH, Rocky Romero, Gide, YOSHI-HASHI vs. Chase Owens, Yurijo Takahashi, Tanga Loa, Tama Tonga, and King Haku

Haku and Yoshi get us going, YOSHI makes the most of Haku on the mat, but Haku nails a clothesline before scoring in Loa. Romero enters and tries to outdo Loa, but it does not work as well until he hits a hurricanrana and a pile of clotheslines in the corner. Tonga gets into the ring and hits a huge shot in the corner on Romero, the crowd is really popping for him. Haku with a piledriver on Romero, cover, ref with a weird account (spot blown?), But only two.

Owens is tagged and pop Romero in the middle section, continues to work on him, backbreaker, cover, two-count. Takahashi is there, low dropkick, cover, two. Romero does not manage to score. Flips of two back suplexes, double hurricanrana and labels in YOH. SHO arrives there and they hit some double team moves, Takahashi comes out and hits a DDT counter on SHO. Tonga are marked and leave on SHO. Gedo balances on Tonga and Loa while things go wrong with everyone hitting in the other team. Romero with a double springboard dropkick on Tonga and Loa, followed by a suicide plunge on Loa. Gedo looks for a blanket, but Haku catches Gedo with the Tongan death grip! Tonga drops Gedo with the stun gun, the blanket, and that will do it.

Winners: Chase Owens, Yurijo Takahashi, Tanga Loa, Tama Tonga, and King Haku via Pinfall

Toru Yano and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Zack Saber Jr. and Minoru Suzuki

Suzuki and Ishii get us started with endless forearms in the middle of the ring. Suzuki makes the most of Ishii, but is let go and he scores on Saber Jr. Yano decides that it's time to join the game. Yano hangs near the ropes to stand aside Saber, then wants to shake hands. Saber is not sure and ends up tearing Yano's arm for a moment. Yano arrives at the rope and tries another handshake, Saber does the same thing and gets a look. Yano in the ropes again and makes fun of his opponent.

Saber with some European uppercuts and is disassembled by the hair. Yano back into the ropes, Suzuki runs into the ring and throws Ishii out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. While Suzuki and Ishii cut themselves off, Saber works on Yano in the ring with a double wrist. The referee is distracted now and Saber / Suzuki runs all over Yano's body with a bunch of submissions. Saber strikes Ishii again from the apron. Ishii and Suzuki are back with massive strikes from Ishii and a couple who makes fun of Suzuki's head as he gets up again.

Ishii with a slap in the face, Suzuki with a big forearm as the crowd calms down. Big forearm in Ishii while he falls on the mat. Ishii recoils and poses his own game of forearms and slaps. A bunch of slaps on Ishii (who screams at him) Suzuki enters a naked rear strangulation, snapmare reversal by Ishii and both are down. Saber and Yano both score while Yano removes the tensioner. Swings at Saber, misses, referee is distracted. Suzuki catches the pad and strikes Yano in the face with him. Yano tries a low blow, Saber catches him with his legs, twists Yano's arm, but Ishii is there with a big lasso, Yano with pin, 1-2-3

Winners: Toru Yano and Tomohiro Ishii via Pinfall

– After the match, Suzuki goes to the crowd and takes it from a chair. He brings her to the ring while a young lion tries to restrain him. He is pushed back to the ramp, Suzuki with a big chair at the back of the young lion while Saber and he head back

KUSHIDA and Hiroshi Tanahashi (with Ryusuke Taguchi against Marty Scurll and Hangman Page

Scurll and KUSHIDA kicks Scurll by using whimsical moves on the rug to escape KUSHIDA Scurll with an octopus hold, a pile of setbacks and Scurll makes his flying taunt KUSHIDA wavers him as Page and Tanahashi stamp, Tanahashi sent a second crisscrossed rope to the corner, on the back of his elbow, KUSHIDA pushed back, climbed up the hill, scorned Scurll and hit a double axle handle on the apron. Scurll lands a superkick and a shooting star presses on the ground

Taguchi tries to get away from Scurll and Page, but he gets hit on the back and sent into the ring. He attempts a flying hip attack and Scurll / Page has to move away as he flies to the ground. Tandem offense, coverage per page, two. KUSHIDA with a nice bend in the back, tags in Tanahashi who bangs an elbow on Scurll, dropkick Page on the floor, dragon on Scurll. Second rope senton on Scurll, cover, two-strokes

Scrull is trying to crossface chicken wing, can not quite lock it while Tanahashi comes out. They barter strikes in the middle of the ring, KUSHIDA brings back, throws the hip directly into a dropkick. Page there to clean the house, but Tanahashi there with a sling blade. Scurll with a kick on KUSHIDA, trying to take a finger, no. KUSHIDA with a nice transition in the hoverboard lock. Tanahashi with a Texas clover leaf on Page climbing to the ground, Tanahashi tries a crossbody on the floor, missing. Page with a rifle lasso from the apron. KUSHIDA with a big kick in Page's leg, but Page ends up planting KUSHIDA with a rite of passage, cover, and we're done.

Winners: Adam Page and Marty Scurll via Pinfall

Hirooki Goto (c) against Jeff Cobb (NEVER Openweight Championship)

Cobb with a shoulder on Goto, send him to the corner, belly against belly. Goto puts him in the face, walks to the top rope, Cobb catches his foot and sends him crush on the mat. Come back and forth chops, Go to the rope, get Cobb to come to him and Cobb comes out on the floor. Goto with a shoulder strap on Cobb to the ground.

Action back in the ring, Goto continues to keep Cobb down, cover, two. Cobb ends up fighting, nailing a dropkick, chops, forearms, a European uppercut rolling, a suplex spin-back, a blanket, two. Cobb is trying to make a permanent stone lift, no one at home. Goto turn the heel in the corner, suplex side, cover, two-strokes. Forearm shot on the face, working powerslam, pins, two. Cobb with big lasso, standing on the lonely, blanket, close three!

Cobb tries another suplex, Goto flips into a sleeper plug. Cobb raises him, discusses the lariat, the whim, Ushikoroshi, cover, two. Fight back and forth, GTR hits! Cover, 1-2-3

Winner: Hirooki Goto via Pinfall

Young Bucks (c) against EVIL and SANADA (Tag Team Championship IWGP)

SANADA and Nick gives the kickoff, complains a lot in the corner of the Bucks. The two guys are hitting the partners on the other side of the apron. SANADA looking for the end of the skull early, no, everyone is trying to make a fall, but everyone is missing. Deathlock Scorpion and everyone is intertwined with each other. The Bucks are working together on SANADA as "Young Bucks!" the song sounds. Nick is dropped at SANADA, drops himself, EVIL strikes Matt at the back. SANADA and Nick in the ring now, a little mistake while SANADA takes care, paradise locks on Nick, SANADA with a low dropkick and tags in EVIL.

EVIL stretches Nick, tries to get out and does it with a kick. Nick crawls to his partner, but SANADA pulls Matt off the apron for a bobo concert. EVIL throws Nick in the corner, he dives on the floor and pulls SANADA out of the play area as a return on investment. Matt is stuck in, doubles a clothesline and knocks one of his own. Matt on the apron, hit a cutter on SANADA on the ground, go back in the ring, go get a deathlock scorpion, but EVIL arrives at the rope. Matt selling a slight back injury. Nick with an apron knee to drop SANADA, misses, SANADA goes for one of his own and goes into a skull but Matt with a dropkick to stop that. Double superkick on EVIL in the ring, SANADA with a double dropkick missile and everyone is down.

Skull End tried, Matt tries to get out by running up the tensioner, SANADA tries again for the end of the skull, drops it, goes one against the moon, no. Matt with a DDT on the apron, Nick climbs up and hits a 450 splash, Matt covers, two! Scorpion deathlock, Nick with a front flip on SANADA and then heads out with a crooked sentinel to get out EVIL. SANADA is stuck in the middle of the ring while Matt is holding in the deathlock of the scorpion, SANADA being able to finally get to work.

No more bang for your buck attempt, but it did not work at all. SANADA arrives at EVIL, suplex on Nick and Matt. Nick with a few back elbows, and another suplex hits hard! EVIL with a clothesline, darkness falls, blanket, two-strokes. EVIL and SANADA strike a magic killer, cover, Matt breeze and take SANADA to the floor. Nick and Matt leave for a double superkick and kill the referee. EVIL hits a double clothesline. EVIL brings a chair, but ends up eating it with a superkick by the cup. Meltzer driver, no, Matt Jackson takes a piledriver on a chair, the referee comes back, and Nick breaks the pin. Magic killer hits Matt, and he gives the kick off. Crowd with "It's awesome!" SANADA takes Nick out on the floor, Matt with a superkick on EVIL. Nick returns to the ring, double outdoor superkicks in SANADA. The Meltzer pilot arrives and it will do it.

Winners: The young males via Pinfall

Kazuchika Okada and Will Ospreay against Tetsuya Naito and BUSHI

Okada and Naito start with some stalling on the end of Naito. Naito in the ropes, Okada looks for a clean break, goes for a chop, and pats him lightly on the chest. Naito kicks him, throws him to the ground and looks to fly but makes his sarcasm tranquilo in the middle of the ring. Ospreay and BUSHI are marked, Naito with a low dropkick on Ospreay, then on Okada. BUSHI pulls on Ospreay's nose while Naito works on Okada on the floor.

Naito drops Ospreay in the corner, hits a beautiful sling dropkick, taunts, and spits at Okada. BUSHI takes off his shirt and just smothers Ospreay, tie, blanket, and the umpire says no because of the use of the shirt. Naito is scored, some light kicks in Ospreay, Ospreay with some forearms. Naito with a punch, kick to the intestines, Ospreay thrown to the corner, finds himself on the apron, stepping back, tears off Naito's chest, enziuri lands. Ospreay reaches out for Okada, forearms on Naito and BUSHI. BUSHI in the ring, Okada with a BUSHI flapjack on Naito, kip-up, by Okada! He slams Naito to the carpet, climbs upstairs, lands a high crossbody, covers, two.

Naito with a dropkick down at the back of Okada, enziguri. Okada tries a dropkick, nobody comes home, Naito with a flying forearm. Tries for Destino, Okada catches him and looks for a piledriver, no, Naito with a DDT Tornado off the ropes, Okada catches him, tie on his knee. BUSHI and Ospreay there now with comings and goings, Ospreay with a kick, BUSHI in the corner, knee, dropkick missile of the upper rope, double knees in the corner, Swingbreaker, blanket, and Okada breaks that. 19659005]. @rainmakerXokada hits the Dropkick !!! # G1USA #NJPW pic.twitter.com/BSOieBTqSM

– Italo Santana ???? (@BulletClubItal) 8 July 2018

BUSHI hits a codebreaker, cover, two. BUSHI at the top rope, Ospreay with a kick to the head, Naito there now, Okada looks for the rainmaker and hits his signature dropkick. Naito and he are both on the floor. In the ring, BUSHI with an enziguri missed, but nails a heel shot. The Spaniard flies by Ospreay, the spin kick to the back of the head, storm hits, 1-2-3

Winners: Will Ospreay and Kazuchika Okada through the intermediary from Pinfall

Hiromu Takahashi (c) against Dragon Lee (IWGP Heavyweight Championship Jr.)

Lee with a hurricanrana returning Takahashi to the floor, suicide plunges Takahashi into the barricade. Back in the ring, inside and inside Dropkick, Lee makes fun of Naito's taunting who gets hoots from the crowd. Takahashi with a hurricanrana, but Lee turns and lands on his feet. Madness already sits between these two. Lee on the floor and Takahashi simply sits on Lee from the top rope to the floor!

Both on the apron now, back and forth, Takahashi sitting Lee on the top rope, the two sway on one another, shot head by Lee, double trampling on Takahashi and Lee crushes on the floor! Oh my! Takahashi recovers and hits a powerbomb at sunset on Lee's ground, the referee starts his account and the two guys come back to 19.

Takahashi catches Lee, hits a suplex wheelbarrow, Lee with a suplex snap, Takahashi hits one, Lee hits another! Takahashi hits another! Lee, again! These two go crazy. Takahashi with another suplex version. Lee with a more suplex. I think we're done with those. No, one more for Lee, another for Takahashi, and an inverted frankensteiner by Takahashi, the clothesline and the two guys finally fell. The crowd is on their feet and applauds for these two.

Hitting the chest again and again. Takahashi asks for one and blew himself up in the chest. Chops again and again, no one lets go. Now they are hitting their faces. Kicks and knees are blocked, Lee with a knee to the cup, and Takahashi with a belly-bellied shot in the corner.

Lee with a Spanish fly, cover, two. Lee tries to explode a triangle, no luck, he gets up and hits a dragon dragon on Takahashi's head! Lee with a powerbomb sitout, cover, two. Takahashi with a fantastic counter of a power bomb in a tonic yoshi, hits timebomb and that will do it. (19659003) Winner: Hiromu Takahashi via Pinfall

Jay White (c) vs. Juice Robinson (IWGP US Championship)

If Robinson uses plaster from his left hand as a weapon in this match, he could be disqualified. Crowd in Robinson's corner as both spread on the floor, Robinson on the apron and hits a cannonball on the ground. Robinson sends White into the barricade and throws him through another and the room collapses. They make him come back into the ring, a lot of punches by Robinson with the crowd shouting "Juice!" White with a suplex that sends Robinson to the floor. White then returns the favor and sends Robinson crashing through the barricade and they continue to fall apart and once again!

Back in the ring, White works the broken hand of Robinson and tramples it. The crowd is boosting now and starting an "F — you, Switchblade!" song. White plays in it and gets up on the top rope, screaming at the crowd. Suplex side by White and goes for a vine leg with a facelock. White gets Robinson tangled in the ropes and knocks a bunch of chops and a European uppercut. The crowd really hues White like Juice's mockery with the left sleeve. He pushes Robinson again and again, but Robinson hits a chop and they come and go.

Robinson with some shots in the corner, but White with a German suplex with the bridge, two. White turns Robinson's broken hand and he comes to the rope to take a break. On the floor, White knocked another suplex on the barricade, which he sent to the announcement table and knocked JR down. Josh got up and said, "You're running away now" and went after White. The crowd goes crazy as White moves away from Barnett. The announcement team is recovering from the order as White tries to hit Robinson 's broken hand with a chair, misses and jumps his own hand.

The two continue to fight on the ground, Robinson and White end up on the apron, flat on the belly at the apron. Russian leg sweep from apron to the floor by Robinson! Both take almost 19 to return to the ring. Robinson sits White on the top rope, looks for a superplex and hits him, covers, two. White drops Robinson, bladerunner attempt, no, bladerunner attempt again, no, Robinson pushed to the referee, lowblow by White, but the referee does not see him. White in the referee now, white with a left hand with the cast! Robinson hits the friction of the pulp! Cover, 1-2-NO! Wow, it was close. Another attempt to bladerunner, but Robinson goes with momentum and Stacks White for the 1-2-3! New champion!

Winner: Juice Robinson via Pinfall to become the new American IWGP Championship

Kenny Omega (c) against Cody (IWGP Heavyweight Championship)

Feeling the process between the two, Rhodes being a little grubby in the early parts of this game. Shoulder block on Omega, torque rollovers, big chop at Cody's chest, suplex, Cody lands on his feet and knocks Omega out of the ring. Cody follows and continues to beat Omega. Action back in the ring, rubs in the corner. Crowd is more in favor of Kenny, but Cody also has a group of fans in the crowd. Cody drops on the carpet and walks to the floor as Brandi talks with him. Omega seems to steal and Cody pulls his wife in front of him. Omega launches Cody as he tries to get into the ring, makes a dive, misses, Cody hits a crossbody. Young Bucks asks Cody to return to the ring. Cody removes the belt and throws it to Matt Jackson.

Omega is sent into the barricade, Omega with a boot in the face and sends Cody into a table. Omega jumps on the barricade and hits a double trampling across the table! Omega takes out another table and installs it on the floor. The Young Bucks are trying to get Kenny to bring Cody back into the ring. Cody is on the table, Kenny is trying to steal, Cody is leaving the table, Kenny is jumping and Cody is pushing the table in his abdomen

The two end up back in the ring. Cody works on Omega, Cody rolls and pumps a few boos out of the crowd. Omega with a frankensteiner, Cody on the floor, Cody returns the table, Omega with a high hit on the top rope, taking Cody. Back in the ring, cross-legged tie, v-trigger tent, no, hits one in the back of Cody's head. Hits another in the face, suplex dragon snap, and Cody hits one of his own. Strokes back and forth in the middle of the ring. Cody with a figure of four, both begin to punch and hit each other in this position until Omega can reverse it on Cody.

Omega comes out a ladder, Cody takes hold of a chair. The dollars are so bothered by what's going on. Red Shoes takes off the chair, Cody crushes Omega on the scale. Brandi arrives and kicks Omega in the back while Cody goes up the ladder sticking out of the bottom rope. Cody throws him on the chest first. Omega thrown into a barricade, which crushes on the leg of the announcer. Cody puts the table back in place, gets into the ring and places the ladder in the ring. Bucks trying to stop that, Cody pushes Matt, who gets in the face as he climbs up the ladder. Omega Climbs Now With The Nearby Bucks

The two are fighting near the top of the ladder and Cody ends up hitting superplex up to the ring, ouch! Cover, two count. Cody stumbles out of the ring and heads for the title, brings him into the ring. Red Shoes is trying to stop it, Omega with a reverse frankensteiner. Omega nearly jumped into Red Shoes, Omega throws him aside while Cody hits a disaster kick. Cody takes back the title – Red Shoes is on the floor – Cody hesitates to slam Omega, cross rhodes hits, cover, two!

V-trigger, not once, but twice, a winged angel, no, kick spilled to the back of Cody's head. He falls in the corner, v-trigger in his back, powerbomb, blanket, not even two. V-trigger lands again and again, Cody blocks one, but gets hit again and again! Cover, two-count. Omega tries another powerbomb, ends up throwing Cody on the table, which does not break! Ah! Omega goes out and decides to bring Cody into the arena instead of having the countdown win.

Omega is looking for the v-trigger, Brandi climbs past Cody to stop him, Red Shoes tells him to bounce back. Omega looks for movement and Cody hits him with a lasso while he is charging. In the comings and goings, Omega finally hits the winged angel and retains the title.

Gagnant: Kenny Omega via Pinfall

– Après-match, The Young Bucks et Brandi check sur les deux lutteurs. Omega aide Cody à se relever. Cody sort du ring, regarde l'anneau pendant un moment et continue de marcher vers l'arrière. Omega monte sur le micro et dit "Ceci est ma première défense de titre en tant que Champion poids lourd IWGP." Il était heureux de le faire devant ces fans. Omega dit que tout le monde mérite une seconde chance, même Cody. Il continue peu importe qui est la personne, nous devrions nous tenir derrière de bonnes personnes et il continuera à donner le meilleur de lui-même. Il remercie tout le monde d'être venu ce soir et fait sa signature habituelle

De retour viennent Haku, Tama Tonga et Tonga Loa, au début les choses vont bien, mais les trois attaquent Kenny et The Young Bucks par derrière. Ils ont battu tous les trois gars dans le ring et ont des chemises "Fire Squad". Adam Page court et tombe. Marty Scurll essaie d'aider et ne fait pas beaucoup mieux. Tama crie "Tu as fait ça!" à Kenny Omega. Loa attaque maintenant Takahashi et Owens maintenant! Tama apporte une chaise et se balance sur quelques personnes. Cody trébuche à l'arrière, Tama lui tend une chaise, Cody alors frappe Tanga et Loa, mais Haku l'arrête, ils finissent par laisser tomber Cody maintenant. Après le départ du trio, Cody aide Omega à se lever et il semble que les choses soient meilleures entre les deux alors que le groupe se rassemble

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