Dogs write & # 39; note to mail carrier apologizing for eating lunch: "Thanks for sharing!"


(INSIDE EDITION) – When Carol Jordan went to get her mail from her home in Virginia and found a note from her mail, she immediately knew that her mischievous dogs had done something.

"When we saw the note for the first time, our initial thought was" what have they done now? ", Said Carol Jordan at

The Bear and Bull brothers, black mastiff labs mixed with zeal for adventure, had been caught red-handedly devouring their factor's meal.

] "Hey! I drove a package and the two dogs crawled in my truck, "says the note, written on a delivery slip. "They took my lunch and ate an egg and some carrots and pumpkin seeds, I do not know if it will disturb their bellies, just for info!"

It was not the first time that Dogs were comfortably seated in a visitor vehicle, said Jordan.

"They are trying to get into everybody's car going up in our driveway," she said. "They got into the FedEx truck and sat in the driver's seat and on the passenger seat as if they were going for a ride of joy."

But Jordan was touched that the note came from a place of concern and not boredom. "The boys still look guilty and we would never have known if Mary had not left the note," said Jordan.

Jordan turned to social media to share what his boys had done, and after a good dose of shame, she apologized.

"Sorry, we ate your lunch," a note attached to a Subway gift card for their patient mail carrier read. "Thanks for sharing!" Bull & Bear Jordan.

"P.S. Our humans have said thank you for leaving a note. We did not like the rating, we got in trouble, "concluded the note, concluding with a sad face.

Jordan left the gift card and the note at his post office, while she did not know who had left the note.

"We felt bad about eating lunch, so we (boys) wanted to catch up," said Jordan. "We live in the country and everyone here is friendly and looks at each other, it was the right thing to do, we wanted to get boys to go to it."

There are had no trouble since Smithfield's wife and her family rescued Bear and Bull six years ago as puppies.

"This is not the first offense of these two," Jordan said. "They hunted mice and lizards in three lawnmowers and completely dumped the mowers, they pulled all our downpipes out of our house like puppies, they constantly dig craters in our yard when they look for moles and Much more!"

About dog antics have become viral, as people from all over the world share their experiences with their own exuberant dogs on the new Bear and Bull Faceboook page.

"So many people commented that it lit up their day or that the boys remind them of the dogs they had, but that are now being passed on," Jordan said. "We are overwhelmed by the amount of attention that he has received!"

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