A chemical weapon symbol appears near the site of Salisbury Novichok


  Chemical Weapon Symbol crop circle

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The Formation of D & # 39, a chemical weapon was spotted Sunday in a wheat field near Stonehenge.

A crop circle in the form of a chemical weapon symbol appeared in a field near where two people were exposed to the Novichok neurological agent

The formation of 53m wide was spotted in a Coneybury Hill field. near Stonehenge in Wiltshire Sunday

It is thought that it is a tribute to Dawn Sturgess who fell ill in Amesbury and died on Sunday. Charlie Rowley remains in critical but stable condition

The pollster crop circle investigator Steven Grant said he was "controversial".

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Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley couple fell ill in Amesbury

Since the beginning of the year, about 15 crop circle formations have arisen in the county

M. Grant said the large formation, which appeared overnight in the wheat field near Salisbury, was "unusual"

. "We have crop circles that seem relevant to what's going on," he said.

"But this one is quite controversial, people think it's a little unpleasant but I do not think it's disrespectful." 19659010] Copyright of the Image
Steven Grant

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Surrounded by a line 22 m wide, the formation is estimated to approximately 53 m (175 ft)

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Since the beginning of the year, about 15 formations of crop circles have arisen across the county

The ULM pilot and crop circles enthusiast, Matthew Williams, said that he was "100% positive", the chemical weapon symbol being designed as a "warning about The use of such weapons "

. the untimely death of Dawn Sturgess, "he said.

"It would never be wanted otherwise than to warn of the use of such weapons and to highlight the fate of the victims."

Ms. Sturgess lived in Salisbury and she went to town with her mate, Mr. Rowley, before going to her apartment in Amesbury on June 29, 1969.

They both became ill the next day and Ms. Sturgess died eight days later.

Their symptoms were the same as those of Sergei and Yulia Skripal

M. Skripal, a former Russian spy, and his daughter were poisoned in Novichok in March in Salisbury.

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