Cory Barr, Captain of the Volunteer Department, killed a firefighter killed in the Sun Prairie Explosion | criminality


SUN PRAIRIE – The firefighter killed in the massive downtown blast Tuesday night was identified as Captain Cory Barr.

Dane County Director Joe Parisi, in a tweet posted Wednesday morning, offered his condolences to the Barr family. 19659003] "Our prayers go to the family of Cory Barr – a community leader and volunteer firefighter who gave his life to protect his community, says Parisi.

Barr and his wife Abby own the Barr House, one of the destroyed businesses

The ruins of Tuesday night's downtown buildings are ransacked Wednesday to see if any other victims are in the rubble, but police believe that the only person killed is Barr

had no report Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Konopacki of Sun Prairie Police

The Madison Fire Department Urban Rescue Team went on the scene to cross the buildings [19659005] Konopacki said more details would be released Wednesday. The spokesman for the Dane County Board of Medical Examiners, Barry Irmen, said he hoped to publish more information in the afternoon after the end of the medical examination. -legal. Konopacki said the residents had returned home after being evacuated Tuesday night, but their homes need to be cleaned by WE Energies staff to make sure there is no danger.

Justin Red Cross spokesman Kern said that about 85 people were helped or stayed overnight at the post of the organization set up at the Sun Prairie High School gym. Many of them came from assisted living institutions in the city, he said, but were able to return home this morning.

Volunteers and staff will remain available at least all day, said Kern. Kelly Thompson, owner of Kontext Architecture, was not allowed to enter his office at the corner of Church and Main Streets – just at the edge of the still-locked area.

Eva Allen, who works at Kontext, said that they had been told their building should be inspected to make sure it is structurally sound and safe to get into it.

"I guess everyone has an unplanned day off," said Thompson

Thompson said that he knew the deceased firefighter but refused to identify him.

"It's such a close community" in Sun Prairie, says Thompson. "I feel for his children."

Matt Weber, the youth and family director of the Our Savior's Lutheran Church, said the moments following the blast were confused. He was told to evacuate a large number of his neighbors, but they were not allowed to leave the area – starting engines from their cars could cause more damage with the gas leak.

While Weber was leaving his home, a few blocks from the church, he said that he told others that he would open the doors of the church to those who seek shelter. Some people stopped to use the space until they could find other places to stay.

"It was such a sudden and tragic event," said Weber. "Our prayers are with the Barr family and first responders and the community as a whole."

Much of downtown Sun Prairie remained banned on Wednesday morning as the streets of the firing area were closed. the circulation.

From 10 am Main Street is closed to North Street for eastbound traffic and Market Street for westbound traffic.

Southbound on Bristol Street, the road closure begins at Cliff Street. On the south side of Main Street, South Bristol Street is closed to Linnerud Drive.

South Street is fully closed in the area of ​​the explosion

The police department said that from 10 am, residents were allowed to return to their homes Flint Street, Union Street Jones Street, North Street, Kroncke Drive, Linnerud Walk east of Market Street, Cannery Square, Cannery Place, Main Street East of Market Street, Chase Boulevard, Dewey Street and Hill Street.

About 50 TallGrass at Sun Prairie Senior Living were evacuated last night at Sun Prairie High School. but all are back home Wednesday morning.

The Sun Prairie United Methodist Church also opened Tuesday night, with approximately 50 departing people and six dogs evacuated to the church. 15 people and three dogs spent the night, and the evacuees were leaving on Wednesday.

"Our members and non-members came out of work to offer their help and support, and the staff also helped," said secretary Laura Meixner

Another firefighter was hospitalized in critical condition, and a third firefighter was admitted to the hospital, a police officer, three firefighters and seven civilians were also injured

. Konopacki says:

At least five buildings have suffered significant damage, including Barr House, Glass Nickel Pizza, the professional building, Chophouse's water tower and a residence.

A complete inventory of damaged or destroyed buildings. WE Energies spokeswoman Amy Jahns said that a contractor's workers had apparently punctured a 4-inch natural gas pipe, sending gas to escape into a building before the fire. explosion. the lines in the area were closed around 9:30 pm

Just after 10 pm On Tuesday, firefighters were still extinguishing the fire that began after a gas leak around 6:20 pm. Led to an explosion about 40 minutes later in block 100 of West Main Street in downtown Sun Prairie.

Konopacki said that an evacuation started after the gas leak, and the time between the gas leak and the explosion

Konopacki had declared Tuesday night that a search operation and rescue in the area could not be completed before the fire is extinguished.

"We have some minor civilian injuries, nothing major so that's good news," Konopacki said. "We are going to ask the community to make sure you have (both firefighters) in your prayers."

Five people were treated for minor injuries at St. Mary's Emergency Center in Sun Prairie, said a spokeswoman for the hospital. 19659006] A radius of half a mile around the epicenter of the explosion was evacuated. The Barr House and Glass Nickel Pizza suffered "serious damage" in the incident, Konopacki said.Other adjacent buildings were also damaged, but a full assessment was not available on Tuesday.

The Salvation Army and the American Red Cross were helping the evacuation centers at Sun Prairie High School and Patrick Marsh Middle School. Prairie, Brad Saron, said that the summer school activities for Wednesday would be canceled,

The Sun Prairie Town Hall is closed on Wednesday

the Fire Department of Madison and other agencies were on the scene

Konopacki said that many residents of the area came to the scene to ask how they could help or offer words of encouragement

. "said Konopacki. "These are not people who come and say," What's going on? "These are people who come and say," How can I help? ""

Witnesses stated that a boom occurred around 7:15 pm Steve Owen, 60, owner of Sun City Cyclery and Skate in downtown Sun Prairie, said he saw firefighters and police officers in the street.and then the explosion occurred.He said the building in front of his store "literally raised."

He said that the force of the explosion overturned in his chair and that he ran out and saw a fireball.

"Owen said.

Jill Thompson, 56, who lives about two blocks from where the blast occurred, said, "This shook the whole building. someone had hit the building with their vehicle, we saw the smoke immediately. "

Mike King, a former Wisconsin State Journal photographer, who lives about a mile away from the blast, has stated that the blast had so upset his home that he thought a tree had fallen on it

"It was short but mighty," King said.

Jeff Richgels of and the Associated Press contributed to this story.

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