Scientists will know if the Earth will survive the fall of a huge meteorite


An international group of scientists plans to explore the great and mysterious crater of the Earth called Chicxulub. The researchers hope that an old education will help determine if the planet will survive the collision with a huge meteorite.

  черенительный подробнее (19659003) Crater Chicxulub, it is called "the demons", has a diameter of 300 km and was formed by a meteorite strike 65 million years ago. 39; years. Then a giant explosion caused the extinction of 75% of animal species on Earth, including dinosaurs. Now, scientists from the Institute of Geophysical Research, UNAM plan to help with a crater to find out if the Land re-transferred such a terrible blow. </p>
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<p>  The search will also continue on land, in the ports of Sisal and Celestun, near Chicxulub. As a result, scientists want to understand the nature of geological changes that the world experienced millions of years ago. </p>
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