From China to Michigan, Elon Musk rules the Twittersphere



Posted on [13 juillet 2009] |
by Steve Hanley

July 12, 2018 by Steve Hanley

After Elon Musk reached an agreement to build a manufacturing plant in Shanghai this week, he flew to Beijing to speak with Chinese leaders on more important issues – things like peaceful coexistence, the future of humanity and the prevention of an environmental disaster. Subsequently, he tweeted: "Excellent meetings with senior leaders in China. Very thoughtful about the future in the long run. "

Musk still seems to be at one of the turning points in history as the United States and China prepare for a deadly trade war aimed at developing the Donald's already hyper-inflated self, Musk is on the ground, sleeping with the enemy, talking to people and building bridges to the future. [19659010Sil'#39;envisagerdemodifierlaConstitutionpourpermettreàdesgenscommeElonMuskdeseprésenteràlaprésidenceAprèstoutquidevraitêtrecapabledemieuxfairesontravailunhommequiaéchouédanstouteslesentreprisesqu'ilaessayées-dessteaksauxcompagniesaériennesenpassantparlesuniversités-ouunhommeWhoshouldbesuccessfulinbusinessventuresandtransformedintothetransportindustryandpublicservices?Thechoiceshouldbeintuitivelycleartothemostcasualobserver

Musk And Flint, Michigan

Even when he was meeting with Chinese leaders, Elon was taking on another challenge, this time the crisis of polluted water in Flint, Michigan. . Twitter user Baby D sent a tweet to Elon about the current water problem in this city. In a few minutes, Elon replied

Karen Weaver, the mayor of Flint, reached out to Elon. "Mr. Musk, I'm the Mayor of Flint, I'd like to have a conversation with you about Flint's specific needs." There's a debate about what these needs might be. Twitter user Sonaar:

"You do not know how familiar you are with the quality of water (I work on water quality), but most tests do not concern that a handful of potentially thousands of contaminants that pose threats to public health.Most public data available focus entirely on lead and copper – which obviously matters, but as the @haydentiff pointed out, Legionnaires killed 9 people in 2014-2015, which means that the water was not even treated according to EPA or Michigan standards.

"The challenge is if you're positive for legionnaires, lead and copper, you have proba Hundreds of other contaminants – and you can not choose the right water treatment technology if you do not know what you are dealing with. . Michigan has sent charcoal filtration units into the sink that are NSF certified for lead removal, but they are not safe for removing bacteria, and most people that they only work with cold water. In the end, you can not start by assuming that a test in itself tells you enough to know how safe people are. This approach works very well when you start with a known water supply and a known infrastructure because you only need to consider deviations from the norm. There is a real opportunity here to rethink that in Flint, because understanding it will benefit all other public water systems – not to mention preparing us for bigger problems on the horizon with climate change. . I will email details of our thinking and approach.

A Michigan federal judge said this week that she would soon rule on motions filed by Gov. Rick Snyder, the state of Michigan, the city of Flint. , and several others accused of rejecting a torrent of lawsuits brought against them by Flint residents who claim that the water in Flint has made them sick. Part of their claim is that the decision made years ago to transfer the city's water supply to the Flint River was partly based on racial considerations. Flint, which is largely populated by minorities, got the least expensive water solution while neighboring white communities got a more expensive system.

This led to a wholly bizarre argument from Sheldon Klein, the city's lawyer. There was no problem of equal protection because everyone in Flint was poisoned. "This (water crisis) is also affecting all inhabitants of the city of Flint, there was no different treatment," said Klein according to a report in the Detroit News [19459009WhenthejudgeaskedLevy"YourargumentthateveryoneinFlintwaspoisonedequitably?"Hesaid"Yes"Klein'sparentsmustbeveryproudoftheiroffspring

As Sonaar points out there are a lot of things in drinking water that can make people sick.It seems like he intends to do more in a week on this topic than the state. from Michigan made it in 4 years.

Here's more about what Elon has planned or is considering:

And Elon will have a call with Flint's mayor tomorrow: [19659006]call tomorrow

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 12, 2018

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Tags: [EleonoreMuskElsemuskFlintcrisedel'eaudesilexMichiganTeslaTeslaChineusinesdeTeslaUsineTeslaChina

About the Author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Rhode Island and everywhere else where the singularity can lead. His muse is Charles Kuralt – "I see the road turning, I wonder what's around the turn?"

You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter .

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