The last: Trump says Johnson would be "excellent" PM


LONDON – Latest news about the departure of the European Union from the European Union (all local times):


U.S. President Donald Trump says he thinks that former British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson would make an "excellent" prime minister.

The commentary was published in The Sun on Thursday night as Trump left the British Prime Minister's gala. Theresa May at Trump's first visit to the UK as president

Trump told the paper a few days after Johnson resigned from his post to protest Brexit's May proposals. Johnson is "a very talented guy". "

Trump added," I think that he would be a great prime minister. I think it has what it takes. "

The US leader also said that he was" very saddened "to see Britain's top diplomat leave the government and said he hoped Johnson would" come home at some point. " "I think he's a great representative for your country."

But asked straight away he thought Johnson might someday replace May, he declined to comment, saying that he was not sure. Was not interested in "opposing each other." ___


President Donald Trump accused British Prime Minister Theresa May of ruining what his country could withdraw from Brexit and says its "soft" plan for future UK negotiations with the EU is likely to "kill" future trade deals with the United States.

Trump told The Sun newspaper before arriving for his first visit to the UK as president on Thursday: "If they enter into an agreement like this, Union instead of dealing w Trump, who compared the June 2016 referendum in which a majority of British voters supported leaving the EU for his own election that year, said: "The agreement that "It is"

He also told the tabloid that he had shared tips with May during Britain's negotiations with the EU, but said May had ignored his advice.

Details from Trump's Interview with the newspaper went public while he was attending a dinner with Black to welcome him to Britain. US President Donald Trump gets started a four-day visit to Britain.

Trump did not give his approval to the plans that the government of May ap Thursday explaining how the United Kingdom wants to manage customs and trade with the European Union. The long-awaited document proposes to keep Great Britain and the EU in a free market for goods, with a more distant relationship for services.

The US leader said at a NATO summit in Brussels that it seemed the UK was "at least partially involved with the European Union." [19659016] Trump said, "I do not know if that's what they voted for," referring to the 2016 referendum that a majority of Britons voted

May insisted that his plan was exactly what voters were expecting from the referendum.



The plans presented in a 98-page government document give the most detailed answer to the question of what it wants to replace the single market and the customs union of the European Union after Brexit.

According to plans, Britain would settle for a "common settlement" with the EU for agricultural goods and products. free trade, free of customs duties and customs verifications. The government said that Britain would act "as in a combined customs territory" with the EU, using technology at its border to determine whether goods from third countries were disrupted. Britain says that this will solve the problem of maintaining an open border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and Ireland, a member of the EU .

However, it is not clear how long it will take to put in place the new customs arrangements. Britain and the EU agreed on a transition period until December.



The British government has issued proposals for what it calls a Brexit "principled, pragmatic and ambitious". The long-awaited document released Thursday aims to keep Britain and the bloc in a free market for goods, with a more flexible relationship for services.

But the plan exasperated fervent Brexit supporters in the Conservative Party of Prime Minister Theresa May, who thinks it would limit Britain's ability to enter into new trade deals around the world. Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis leave the government this week to protest

The newly appointed Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab, said the plans called for "an unprecedented and unprecedented economic partnership". previous "between Britain and the EU. The British government on Thursday released detailed plans for what it calls a "pragmatic and ambitious" Brexit – plans that have already triggered the resignation of two senior ministers and split the ruling Conservative Party, and who are likely facing to a resistance from the European Union. A long-awaited document proposes to keep Britain and the EU in a free market for goods, with a more distant relationship for services.

The government of Prime Minister Theresa May tries to satisfy the British who voted for their country. establish an independent course without hindering companies, security agencies and other sectors closely linked to the EU. [19659041] But the plan exasperated fervent Brexit supporters, who believe it would limit Britain's ability to enter into new trade deals around the world. Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis have resigned from the government this week to protest against Brexit, US President Donald Trump has begun a four-day visit to Britain on Thursday and nine months before the United Kingdom. United. & # 39; s leaving the EU.

Trump did not exactly give May's plans a resounding support. The US leader said at a NATO summit in Brussels that it seemed that the UK "was at least partially involved in the European Union".

"I do not know if that's what they voted for" May insisted that his plan was exactly what the British had voted in the referendum on membership in the EU in 2016.

"They voted for us to regain control of our money, our law and our borders". "That's exactly what we will do."

Brexit's new secretary, Dominic Raab, said the plans provided for an "unprecedented and innovative economic partnership" between Britain and the EU. – which allows the smooth flow of goods and services between the 28 Member States – and its customs union without customs duties for goods. This will end after the UK leaves the bloc in March. Plans presented Thursday in a 98-page government document give Britain's most detailed answer to the question of what will replace them.

Under the plan, Britain would stick to a "common settlement" with the EU. produced in exchange for free trade, without tariffs or customs controls at the border. Such a resolution would avoid disrupting car manufacturers and other manufacturers who buy parts from several countries.

The government stated that Britain would act "as in a combined customs territory" with the EU, using technology at its border to determine whether third countries were bound for Britain or for EU and billed the appropriate tariffs in these cases.

Britain says that this will solve the problem of maintaining an open border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Free trade would not apply to services, which account for 80% of the British economy. The government said it would give Britain "the freedom to chart its own path", although that would mean less access to EU markets than today.

The plan also aims to keep Britain in the main EU agencies. Agency, the European Medicines Agency and the Europol Police Agency

When the United Kingdom leaves the EU, it will end the automatic right of EU citizens to live and work in Britain. But Britain has said that EU citizens should be able to travel without a visa to Britain for tourism or "temporary business" and that measures should allow young people and students to work and work. To study in Britain. Donors are Britain's willingness to pay the EU for access to certain agencies and the suggestion that some European citizens can continue to work in Britain without a visa.

And while Britain will no longer be British courts will "take due account" of the case law of the European Court in relevant cases in the context of the proposals.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, conservative pro-Brexit MP, described the plan as "greater vassalage since King John"

Pro-EU lawmakers, on the other hand, believe that post-Brexit links proposed with the block are not close enough.

This could defeat the EU's insistence that the UK can not "choose" the benefits of EU membership, as the 39 access to the single market without accepting responsibilities, including free movement

the bloc will not let its single market be treated as a "big supermarket".

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