Despite Russia's electoral bomb, the Trump-Putin show will continue


It is even less likely that another commander-in-chief will take the meeting without publicly administering Russian President Vladimir Putin in front of the cameras on charges of a large-scale campaign of voter interference in 2016.

If the President's own comments during his current trip to Europe or his past behavior are a guide, he will only make a ritual complaint to a leader that he has often treated as a hero.

Speaking to reporters on Friday before the indictment became public, Trump promised to increase election interference Monday – almost as a favor to the press – but gave the impression that it was unlikely to do too much to challenge some denials of Putin.

"I do not think you'll have any" Gee, I've done it, I've done it, you've got me, "Trump said in Great Britain. Brittany.

"There will not be a Perry Mason here, I do not think but you never know what's going on, But I will absolutely ask the question firmly."

  12 Russians 12 Investigators Russians in the investigation Mueller
Expected that Trump will publicly take Putin on electoral interference – as French President Emmanuel Macron did when he blew the influence of Russian propaganda media l & # 39; Last year only a few White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters pointed out that the document did not reveal any allegations in the document unveiled by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that the Americans knew that it was unclear. they corresponded to the accusation. with Russians or that any American citizen had committed a crime. She also said that there was no indication that the plot had changed the outcome of the election.

"Today's charges do not include any allegation of anyone's involvement in the campaign and no allegation that the alleged piracy affected the election result." [traduction]

There was, however, a blatant lack of condemnation of Trump's action in Russia, despite the fact that his work primarily involved the defense of American sovereignty and democracy.

Perhaps administration will go in the next few days, for example by punishing the intelligence officers of the GRU named in the indictment, who will probably never travel to the United States for a day in court.

reaction hardly announces a showdown between Trump and Putin in Finland.

Such low expectations mean that a summit that was always going to be mysterious – given the strangeness of Trump's relationship with Pout and the hint of criticism that he is indebted to the Russian leader in a certain way – will now be Trump, who continued his summit too long to cancel it

Despite the Requests from critics to abandon the talks, Trump, who pursued an autonomous meeting with Putin for months, simply

Sarah Sanders, press secretary of the White House, confirmed Friday night that the summit was – surprisingly nobody .

Going against the advice of his advisers, the president pursued a loner He seldom seeks to improve relations with Russia and rarely criticizes Putin, although the rest of his administration has adopted an authentic line towards Russia.

The president, who spent last week beating NATO allies and splitting the alliance. in a manner that will certainly appealed to Putin, knew the imminent indictment of 12 Russian intelligence agents before he left the United States earlier this week.

In retrospect, therefore, his comments at a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May. suggest that the indictment – which completely demystifies the claims of Trump's supporters that there was no electoral interference – will do nothing to purge his suspicion at the time. with regard to the Mueller probe

. "I think we are very badly hurt by the witch hunt that I would call the faked witch hunt," Trump told Checkers, May's official campaign residence.

"I think it really hurts our country and it really hurts our relationship with Russia, I think we would have a good relationship with Russia and a very good luck – a very good relationship with President Putin", added Trump.

When Russia reacted to Friday's indictment, alleging that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee as well as some state election infrastructure had been deployed, she reflected the rhetoric of Trump in a way that would probably not have been a coincidence. 19659002] "Washington is struggling to revive old" false news "about Russia's alleged interference in the US presidential election in 2016," said the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement issued in 19659002. "Obviously, the purpose of this false story It is to spoil the atmosphere before the Russian-American summit," said the statement, before adding, with a Machiavellian twist, that the instigators of intrigue would sooner or later be held responsible for the damage that they continue to inflict on American democracy. ] Vladimir Putin will likely propose a similar approach to Trump on Monday, empathic with his complaints that the Mueller investigation, which has now brought 191 criminal charges against 32 pe ople and three companies, is nothing but "false news "and a" witch hunt. "

This is one of the reasons why so many Trump critics worry about the summit – which includes a one-on-one session with only performers

The chief of the Senate minority, Chuck Schumer, called on Trump to cancel

"Happy to pass Vladimir Putin as a result of these charges would be an insult to our democracy," said the New York Democrat.

Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican who is a long-time opponent of Putin, said Trump should not go to Helsinki unless he is ready to show the Russian leader: "There is will have a serious price to pay for his aggression against the US The argument in favor of the cancellation of the summit would be that it is not appropriate that the President of the United States grants Putin the legitimacy of a meeting on such a big scene at the moment Washington accuses the Kremlin of a daring

And given the evidence of the Russian assault, the idea that a US President could trust Putin is highly unlikely

"I would not have the summit", Tom Donilon, a President Obama never really understood the whole list of "Active hostility against the United States on the part of the Russian Federation led by President Putin," said Donilon. "I would not go forward with that,"

But former CIA director Michael Hayden told CNN's Jake Tapper that the summit was to take place – with a large reserve

"I have a document that goes beyond speculation … Here we have strong and detailed forensic evidence that the President can use.

" As a citizen now, I we'll do it and then I want to watch what the President is doing. "

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