Omega-3 Fatty Acid: The Omega-3 Diet Can Do More Than Protect Your Heart, It Can Keep Cancer Away


NEW YORK: While eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, some nuts and seeds, have been known to prevent heart disease and arthritis, a new research, conducted by an Indian origin, has shown that omega-3 fatty by-products can also have anticancer effects.

The new study, conducted by Aditi Das of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, showed that when the human body metabolizes omega-3 fatty acids, it produces a class of molecules called epoxy endocannabinoids. These have anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer.

EDP-EAs have similar properties to cannabinoids found in marijuana – but without the psychotropic effects – and they target the same receptor in the body as cannabis.

5 Foods That Will Help Keep Cancer at Bay

Natural Foods and Health

March 10, 2018

While Medical Fraternity Works on Better Cancer Treatments, There are Some Changes simple his diet to prevent the dreaded disease. The food we eat can affect our risk of developing cancer, both directly and by helping us maintain a healthy weight. Diet can also directly affect the risk of cancer. Some foods, such as processed and red meats and salt-preserved foods, may increase the risk of developing cancer. If we think about it, it is not so difficult to adopt these blessings of nature to ward off cancer. It is important to be aware of what we eat and stay away from artificial foods, high sugar consumption and reduce our consumption of chemicals. Eat healthy, eat healthy and keep cancer away from you and your family.

This is what nutritionist and sports coach Iram Zaidi recommends:

"We have an integrated endocannabinoid system that is now anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving, but we now see that it is also anti-cancer, preventing cells from proliferating or migrating," said the head of The study, Aditi Das, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

"These molecules could solve multiple problems: cancer, inflammation and pain," Das added.

For the study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, the team studied the effect of the molecule in mice with osteosarcoma tumors – a cancer of the bones which is not only painful but also difficult to treat.

Celebrities who fought against serious diseases and inspired us to stay …

Wiser & Stronger

July 11, 2018

If you wanted to rip after seeing Sonali Bendre's Instagram post on Tuesday where she quoted Chilean author Isabel Allende to stay sharp, and cut her hair, you're not alone.

Many, including his fellow countrymen and sympathizers, felt moved and wished him a speedy recovery. But the 44-year-old actress is not the only one to have managed to stay strong in the face of adversity.

Over the last decade, a few others have shown incredible courage and grace while fighting the medical conditions in real life, and proving to be an inspiration for their fans.

From Salman Khan to Yuvraj Singh and Irrfan Khan, we remain inspired by extraordinary stories of hope and strength.

The results showed that endocannabinoids slowed the growth of tumors and blood vessels, inhibited the migration of cancer cells and caused the death of cancer cells.

The highest concentrations of EDP-EA killed cancer cells, but not as effectively as other chemotherapeutic drugs on the market. But, the compounds slowed tumor growth by inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels to provide nutrients to the tumor. They also prevented interactions between cells, and most importantly, they seemed to prevent cancer cells from migrating.

While dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to EDP-EA, for those with cancer, something concentrated and rapid action is needed, said Das.

"It's there that the endocannabinoid epoxy derivatives come into play – you can make a concentrated dose of the most effective compound against cancer, you can also mix it with other drugs. like chemotherapy, "she added.

Conserving cancer at the bay: eating garlic, turmeric and other substances …

Anti-carcinogenic herbs and spices

3 Feb, 2018

The Bollywood actress, Sonali Bendre, is following a treatment in New York after being diagnosed with metastatic cancer.

Although one can never be sure of what can trigger the onset of this deadly disease, it is important to take the necessary precautions to stay safe. Some foods have anti-carcinogenic properties and can help prevent cancer.

These herbs and spices in your kitchen cabinet can boost your immune system to keep the deadly disease at bay.

Dr. Manoj Kutteri, director of the Atmantan Wellness Center, shares a list of ingredients that can help you fight the disease.

Read also: Know the metastatic cancer that Sonali Bendre was diagnosed with

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