Camilla Hudson wanted to use the coupon from a manufacturer at CVS on North Broadway on Friday night, but a manager who said he'd never seen a coupon like this called the police, she said. in a post on Facebook

. It just happened: I called the police for trying to use a coupon @ CVS Pharmacy to locate d at 6150 N. Broadway in Chicago! Hudson said in his widely shared Facebook post.

In the video, the manager, identified as Morry Matson, is seen shaking as he speaks with police on the phone. police, he calls his African American to which she responds: "I am black.Black is not a bad word."

Matson runs for the 48th Ward Alderman. He was Trump Constituency Delegate in the 2016 elections and President of the Log Cabin Republicans of Illinois, a group defending conservative LGBTQ interests

. in her message, there were three agents who came forward in response and she spoke with them before leaving the store. The Chicago police could not answer immediately to confirm.

<img data-attachment-id = "1230282" data-permalink = " called-font-because-39 she-had-bad-coupon / screen capture-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm / "data-orig-file =" https: //sunmediamedia.files.wordpress. com / 2018/07 / screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png "data-orig-size =" 604,544 "data-comments-open =" 0 "data-image- meta = "{" aperture ":" 0 "," credit ":" Facebook "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image-title = "Camilla Hudson" data -image-description = "

Camilla Hudson said that she tried to use the coupon of a manufacturer on a CVS, but a manager accused her of" noting ". attempting to use a fraudulent coupon and called the police.

"data-medium-file =" 300 "data-large-file =" "class =" medium-size wp-image-1230282 "src =" PM.png? w = 333 & h = 300 "alt =" Camilla Hudson said that she tried to use a manufacturer's coupon at a CVS but a manager accused her of trying to 39; use a fraudulent coupon and called the police. "width =" 333 "height =" 300 "srcset =" png? w = 333 & h = 300 333w, = 135 150w, https: // 2018/07 / screen-shot-2018-07-14-at-6-34-43-pm.png 604w "sizes =" (maximum width: 333px) 100vw, 333px “/>

Camilla Hudson said that she was trying to use a manufacturer 's coupon at a CVS, but a manager accused her of trying to "get it. use a fraudulent coupon and called the police.

"We sincerely apologize to Mrs. Hudson for her experience in one of our stores. Our area director in Chicago contacted Ms. Hudson as soon as we learned about this incident. CVS has started an investigation and we will take any corrective action that is required to prevent this from happening again, "CVS spokesperson Mike DeAngelis said in a statement." CVS Pharmacy does not tolerate any discriminatory practices to customers and we are committed to maintaining a welcoming and diverse environment in our stores. We have strong non-discrimination policies in place to ensure that all clients are treated with respect and dignity. Profiling or any other type of discriminatory behavior is strictly prohibited. "

" He apologized profusely, "Hudson said in a Facebook message about the company's regional director, Joe Haas. [ad_2]
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