Trump raises $ 90 million for his re-election bid and the Republican Party, with less legal fees


President Trump speaks to the media on his way to Marine One before leaving the White House for a weeklong trip to Europe, with stops in Brussels, London, Scotland and Helsinki. (AFP / Getty Images)

In 2018, the re-election campaign of President Trump and his two affiliate committees entered the third quarter with a massive $ 90 million fundraising and a sharp drop in fees. ;lawyer.

Trump's campaign committee and two fundraising committees that are joint operations with the Republican National Committee – Trump Victory and the Trump Make America Great Again – raised $ 17.7 million in the second quarter, a total of about $ 90 million in the 2018 cycle, according to Federal Election Commission files filed Sunday night.

Unlike his predecessors, Trump began raising money for 2020 shortly after winning the presidency. He continues to energize small-dollar donors, FEC records show. In the second quarter of 2018, 62% of direct contributions to his campaign committee came from donations of $ 200 or less.

Lara Trump, the president's daughter-in-law and senior advisor to her campaign committee, in a statement titled Small Dollar Gifts are a sign of "continued support from so many Americans who loudly approve the Donald Trump's performance as president. "

The three committees reported $ 53.5 million in cash at the end of the quarter. Also in the second quarter, the campaign reported a significant drop in attorney fees, both in terms of the total amount of legal advisory fees as the share of attorney fees in the total expenses, according to his statements.

"Fees totaled $ 338,254, less than 10% of the $ 3.6 million spent between April and June, according to the records. This represents a decrease of almost $ 500,000 since the first quarter of 2018 and a significant decrease from the last quarter of 2017, when legal fees increased to $ 1.1 million.

It is not known Sunday whether attorneys' fees are absorbed by legal defense fund set up for Trump's assistants. A representative of the fund did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

[ Trump's legal aid fund launches among the questions on donor transparency ]

Since taking office, his re-election committee has posted six to seven-digit amounts per quarter in legal advisory fees to law firms representing the campaign, Trump, and past and present assistants in a variety of legal issues, including the ongoing investigation in Russia.

In all, the campaign committee spent $ 4.3 million in legal advisory fees since the arrival of Mr. Trump. In the second quarter, committee payments were made to eight law firms and Trump Corp., a company run by two of Trump's eldest sons.

The campaign paid less this quarter than almost every law firm – including Jones Day, who represents the campaign in investigations by Special Advisor Robert S. Mueller III and several congressional committees in the # Russia's interference in the 2016 elections. The two fundraising committees that jointly raise funds with the Republican National Committee have paid an additional $ 28,000 to Jones Day this quarter, according to the archives

[ Trump's re-election committee spent more than $ 1 out of 5 this year. ]

He paid an additional $ 48,341 to McDermott Will & Emery, a firm that represents Trump's lawyer and arranger, Michael Cohen, in ongoing investigations in Russia and a newly criminal investigation revealed. In 1965, Manhattan federal prosecutors revealed in court documents that Mr. Cohen, whose office and residences had been attacked by the FBI, had been under investigation for months.

The campaign also paid law firms Harder LLP; LaRocca Hornik Rosen Greenberg and Blaha; Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman LLP; Schertler & Onorato LLP; Seyfarth Shaw LLP; and Van Hoy, Reutlinger, Adams and Dunn PLLC

The campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on legal fees on Sunday night.

The campaign spent $ 147,105 on Trump's properties this quarter, with about $ 12,230.

[ GOP Officials Spend the Most on Trump Properties ]

Sunday's deposits also showed strong fundraising by individual congressional campaigns, signaling a Advanced Among the largest totals posted by congressional candidates is Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House of Commons' chief executive, who raised $ 1.8 million

George Flinn, presidential candidate. in Tennessee against Republican incumbent David Kustoff, raised $ 1.5 million – not a small sum for a home run. Democrat Andrew Janz, fighting to overthrow representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), Also raised a little over a million dollars.

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