Priyanka Chopra closes the filming of the upcoming comedy Is not It Romantic; movie to be released February 14, 2019 – Entertainment News, Firstpost


Mumbai : The shooting of the Hollywood movie Is not It Romantic with the Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, is over.

Priyanka on July 15 evening took to Instagram, where she shared Rebel Wilson, Adam Devine and Liam Hemsworth.

"And it's an animation film! Wilson Rebel Wilson, Adam Devine, Adam Devine and Liam Hemsworth

Actor Adam Devine shared the same picture and captioned: "This movie is so much fun to shoot .I am a song and a dancing man again! "Is not It Romantic" will be in theaters on the following Valentine's Day and its size is off the charts [sic]. "

As reported earlier, Is not Romantic "applies the same test tested formula of romantic comedies: A single woman in distress decides to put everything in order in his life and meets the man of his dreams Natalie (interpreted by Rebel Wilson) is an architect who works hard to get noticed in her work but is not very lucky She meets an abuser who makes her unconscious, waking up to discover that her life has suddenly become her worst nightmare. "

Directed by Todd Strauss-Schuls on, Is not It Romantic is scheduled for release on February 14, 2019.

(With contributions from the Indo-Asian News Service)

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Publication date: Jul 16, 2018 11:45 AM
| Updated on Jul 16, 2018 11:51 AM


Updated: Jul 16, 2018 11:51 AM

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