Oregon woman survives week on the beach at distance after diving off the California cliff


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An Oregon woman who accidentally drove her SUV from a 200-foot Californian cliff described how she survived for a week while she was stranded on an isolated beach. On July 6, 23-year-old Angela Hernandez was crossing Big Sur, California, when a small animal slid in front of her, causing her to deviate. The area where Hernandez swerved does not have shoulder, said Jessica Madueno, public information officer at the California Highway Patrol, who lowered her vehicle from the side of the cliff. . "I was still in my car and I could smell water coming up on my knees, had a headache and when I touched it, I found blood on my hands. ", Wrote Hernandez." I swam up to shore and I fell asleep for an unknown time. "

Hernandez, injured but able to walk, said she was patrolling on the beach – a desolate expanse of rocks and fog-covered sand and almost invisible to drivers – above – and climbed rocks in search of another person and shouted for help. [19659004] Hernandez said the third day she was stuck on the beach, she began to feel the effects of dehydration.Hernandez found a 10-inch radiator hose to siphon water from a source neighboring natural, said Madueno.

Hernandez said during the day that she would climb a rock and call out distant cars that she could see for help. "I could see cars crossing the cliff and I had the impression that if I could scream loud enough, that the l 39; you could hear me or see me, it's all that would be necessary for my family to come back, "writes Hernandez. "One person notices me."

  Angela Hernandez's car rests at the foot of a cliff in Big Sur, California
Angela Hernandez's car rests at the bottom of # 39, a cliff in Big Sur, California. Highway Patrol

After a week of walking on the beach, avoiding hot rocks and shouting at cars in the distance, his prayers were finally resolved

Chad and Chelsea Moore were walking along the beach when they heard Hernandez.

"I heard a slight cry of distress and I turned around and we saw Angela standing in the rocks," said Chelsea Moore. "She said that she woke up this morning and knew it was going to be a good day, and I think I started crying."

Chad Moore stayed with Hernandez while Chelsea Moore ran for help. When the rescue teams arrived, they had to haul Hernandez using ropes before bringing her to the hospital, where the doctors discovered that she had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage , fractured ribs, collapsed lung, broken neck bones and broken blood vessels. to Angela Hernandez, in the foreground, after being saved in Morro Bay, California “/>

Authorities tend to Angela Hernandez, in the foreground, after being saved in Morro Bay, California Sheriff County Sheriff & # 39 Office

Hernandez said, "I am sitting at the hospital and I laugh with my sister until she hurt me with broken bones."

" I have experienced something unique and terrifying and I that I can not imagine there is no bigger goal for me in this life, "she writes." I do not do not know, guys, life is amazing. "

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