The victim of Sacha Baron Cohen's art gallery has a few things to say to the man who was dragging her


Actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. (Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images)

The actor Sacha Baron Cohen unveiled his new Showtime series Sunday night, a show of political jokes titled "Who's America?" In his seven episodes, Cohen travels the country aimed at exposing the complacency of American institutions ranging from politics to art, Hollywood and the media.

One of Cohen's main targets in the first was the art expert Christy Cones. As viewers of the first episode know, Cohen's ex-in-house detective hired the gallery staff into a conversation about the art, after submitting to the affirmations (and visual evidences) painting in prison with his own bodily fluids. He also made it into a painting using some of his unconventional graphical methods.

It turns out that Cones is a serious figure on the Southern California art scene. She has worked as a fine arts consultant at the Coast Gallery of Orange County and recently obtained a PhD from the University of California at Irvine. She also runs a water sports foundation created by Bruce Hopping, a World War II veteran, water sports ambassador and local cult figure who died this year at age 96 and whom Cones considers a mentor

. The episode of the night was broadcast. She had not yet seen what had been done with the May 2017 interview. In fact, until she spoke with The Post, she had no idea that the person in the makeup was Cohen.

The first thing I think The viewer wants to know: Why on Earth did you agree to film this interview?

Someone had come into the gallery where I was working and said that they had an ex-inmate who had just come out of jail and wanted to talk about art for a TV show. British reality TV. The owner of the gallery next door had said that he would not do it; he is very private. But I've always been a little risky and I love the camera. So I said why not? And the next day he arrives with a crew of maybe four or five people

What was your impression of him?

I thought it was a psychological time bomb. I was like, this guy could explode, so I should be as respectful as I can.

What did you think when you described, in an incredibly detailed way, how he was doing art in a prison cell? thought it was fascinating; I really did it. Even now, I know now that it is wrong, but I still think a lot of ideas are real. The art is what we say. Is it the art of bringing down the rain on the sidewalk in some way? Some will say that tears falling on a love letter is art. Is it art? Someone who is stuck in prison, and who puts all his heart into something? I would love to have this argument

Does Cohen do with this show art?

I'd love to have this discussion with him too. The art is always subjective, but for me, it seems like it is – a kind of performance art, at least. But I can also see why some would say that is not the case. I will say that I was impressed by what he painted in the gallery. It really looked like me. And to think about the, um, materials that he used.

Wait, it was not real, is not it?

I think that was the case! I really think it was. When he gave me the picture that he said he made in jail with his own garbage, it could do it. And then when he went into the bathroom to paint and came out with the portrait of me, he was also stinky. I mean, stink. I really think that he went there and painted from scratch.

You must admire the commitment.

I did it. I mean, I was afraid to touch on anything after that. But I admired him. [Pauses and then laughs] And that was Sacha Baron Cohen? What crazy. God bless him.

Looks like you've been leaning over the whole company, especially when you're gone to the side and. . . Let's say we are volunteers to dedicate your body to Cohen's artistic cause.

Oh, my God, I did it! [Laughs in disbelief] Well, I was killed a month and a half ago [Hopping’s death]. It's nice to have a little comedy. But I think I surprised him. He did not expect to be as accommodating as me. We were doing movies at home in my family when I was a kid. I do not bow to the camera.

I know you have not seen the segment yet, but at least right now you do not look like you have regrets.

No. He tricked me? He made me crazy? Am I supposed to be upset? It's good. I'm mad. Sacha Baron Cohen does not impress me. I've been with billionaires, and I've been with bag ladies. Nobody is better than the other. He will come for him.

I can not tell if you're crazy or amused by what he's done.

Maybe a bit of both?

What would you say to him if you could? ] First, I would say: "What happened on the board that you promised me? I have never heard of anyone else in the show yet." I would also say, "Go down to the gallery, get down and buy a painting." And I want a follow-up interview, let's put it to the test – let's see the real guy, without the charade. help him increase his grades and his ego.I have spent years studying art, in this country, in Greece.So let's see what he really has.So he wants to play intellectual heads and buttocks, so go down, and do that for real.

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