At present, most Americans are quite connected to the importance of saving for retirement. Natasha Abellard of Buzz60 has history.
"Young people are optimistic, and I think that's great," said Bankrate.com analyst Amanda Dixon. "But I think a lot of people have to be careful and be realistic in terms of personal situations."
It turns out that the ideal age to reach the financial stages depends, well, on your age:
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Retirement Age: 61
Americans, on average, believe that the best age to retire is 61 years old. Younger adults tend to be more ambitious in their retirement age goals, according to Bankrate.com report. Generation X and Generation Y reported that their ideal age was 60 and 61, respectively, while baby boomers (64-72) and mufflers (73+) were more conservative, estimating from 64 to 65 years old [19659013]. to seriously think about saving in order to retire earlier, the state of the economy could contribute to the hope of younger generations.
"It makes sense for many people to feel good where they are and what the future will look like," Dixon says.
Age to start saving for retirement: 22
On average, 22 is seen as the right time to start building a nest egg.As they chose the earliest retirement age of any generation, Generation X also chose the youngest age to start save for their golden years.Bankrate data revealed that 59% of Generation X members think that someone should ideally start saving for their retirement before their 21st birthday, which represents a percentage higher than all other demographic groups
The preferences of many Generation X members
"Gen Xers are likely to think back to the recession and the time they were in momen That's it, "said Dixon." For many of them, they recognize that it's important to have good financial habits at a young age. "
Age to buy first house: 28
Americans, on average, think that 28 is the right time to begin the journey of homeownership. Unlike the previous categories, the silent generation is the most aggressive when it comes to the ideal age for someone to buy his first home. While other age groups choose 28, the silent generation chooses 26.
Many members of the silent generation married young and "although they grew up during the Great Depression, they were adults during a period of economic prosperity. . "Buying homes at a younger age was easier for them, in part because there were fewer people to compete with housing."
Age to open the first credit card: 22 [19659012OnaverageAmericanssayagethefirstcreditcardis22MillennialsaredifferentfromallothergenerationsintermsofhowquicklytheythoughtitshouldhappenWhile63%ofthembelievethatindividualsshouldopentheirfirstcardsbeforetheageof21only37%ofoldergenerationsareinagreement
. Dixon attributes this difference to the millennia that are at a stage in their lives.
"They understand the importance of credit building, and having a credit card is a great way to do it," she said
Age to buy or rent the first car: 21
Twenty-one is the time to buy or rent a first car, say Americans Millennials are more aggressive than other generations, while 14% think individuals should buy or rent before the age of 18, double the percentage of other generations
"I think millennia think about independence." it's about cars, ad "They want to be able to do things on their own, and they want to be able to go out and get a job."
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