Amazon Rivals cash the first day


Amazon has seen its biggest first day in the history of l & # 39; business, with its largest retailers seeing a 54 percent increase in sales during the event. According to the data from Adobe Analytics released Wednesday, July 18, large retailers whose annual business turnover is greater than $ 1 billion may impute the sales increase at their own sites

Even Amazon rivals have reaped the fruits of Prime Day. The one – day sale of Target Tuesday (July 17) was its biggest online shopping day of the year, in terms of traffic and sales, according to reports. Walmart promoted the two-day free shipping and reduced prices on Google Home devices to counter Echo sales of Amazon. And eBay was not able to comment on its sales before reporting its profits the site had announced exclusive offers at 80% of the retail prices of items

According to Retail Leader ] Director of Adobe Digital Insights Taylor Schreiner said, "We have seen a 55% increase in YOY online sales [year over year] during the first day for large retailers growth massive that we attribute to shoppers doing online shopping with a variety of retailers. As a result of the growing popularity of Amazon's holidays, many retailers have offered deals on their own sites to fight Amazon, turning mid-July into a mini holiday shopping season. People like to make comparisons, and many are turning to Amazon's competitors to compare offers and prices. Prime Day has turned into a huge opportunity for all online retailers. "

However, not all retailers took advantage of Prime Day.Niche retailers those with less than $ 5 million in revenue have seen a 18 percent drop in their online sales on Prime Day, Adobe says

Prime Day is now considered the kickoff to the shopping season back to school. Adobe predicts July to September will be the fastest-growing quarter in 2018 in the United States, with online purchases generating $ 57.79 billion in online revenue.

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