3 Hamas fighters killed by Israeli fire in Gaza


GAZA City, Gaza Strip (AP) – Israel targeted militant sites in Gaza, after Palestinians shot at its forces near the border, the military said Friday, using airstrikes and tank fire that Hamas said killed three of its members. [19659002TheIslamicHamasactivistthatrulesGazasaidthePalestinianswerekilledmembersofthegroupGazamediareportedthatgunmenfiredmortarstotheborder

Earlier Friday, Israel Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman visited Sderot, an Israeli town near Gaza. "The heads of Hamas are forcibly leading us to a situation in which we will be forced to take action on a wide range of operations", "Lieberman said.

On Saturday, Israel pounded Hamas targets in its largest bombing campaign since the 2014 war, as Gaza militants fired dozens of rockets towards Israel.

Israel says it has no interest is engaging in a war with Hamas, but says it will no longer tolerate the Gaza activist campaign of daily flying that had torched the Israeli discomforts, burned nature reserves and killed wildlife.

Hamas on Friday vowed it will continue to protest by launching the incendiary devices at Israel.

Khalil al-Hayya, a top Hamas leader, said "the protests will remain, flaming and existing, and its tools will multiply and diversify, including kites, until our goals are achieved. "

The weekly protests led by Gaza's Hamas rulers against Israel

Over 135, I believe in the Israeli-Egyptian blockade after the militant group assumed control of Gaza in 2007.

The demonstrations have been fueled in large part by pervasive despair caused by the blockade which has widespread economic hardship. Mostly unarmed, Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since the border protests began on March 30.

Israel says it is defending its sovereign border and accuses Hamas, a group sworn to its destruction, breach the border fence and attack civilians and soldiers.

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