Michelle Wolf as Kirstjen Nielsen compares ICE to ISIS, Freaks Out & # 39; Fox & Friends & # 39;


"Are you worried about your country?" The voiceover begins. "Do you feel that your land is being invaded by foreign intruders who want to change your culture?" A series of serious agents look into the camera and say what "ICE is" for them.

For the first minute or so, you might be forgiven for thinking that the pitch is a real, if heavy, public service announcement for ICE. Actress Michelle Wolf then appears as Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, in an explosion of flames

"Today, ICE is said to be bad," says Wolf in a new skit for his Netflix show . As an equal opportunity employer, she claims that the organization accepts "all levels of experience and education, from low to very low, and that". It actively welcomes those who have been diagnosed with anger. " Towards the end of the announcement, which depicts ICE agents as racist fools who have been rejected by all other forms of law enforcement in America, Wolf Nielsen says, "Join today and you too can tell your "History".

"The ice makes war for all that is holy in this country," says an agent. "I guess you could call it a holy war."

"Take it to me, no organization is better than ISIS," adds Wolf, raising an automatic rifle in the air and shooting in the air surrounded by men wearing black masks and waving scary flags. The words, "Apply now, you fuck the sick" appear on the screen.

It is shocking that the sketch did not go well on Saturday morning with the hosts of Fox & Friends who expressed their disgust for Wolf in the past. "That's really happened," co-host Abby Huntsman said after airing a clip, reminding viewers that she's the same actress who was "very disrespectful" towards Sarah Huckabee Sanders at dinner correspondents of the White House. "Whenever I hear her talking, she just seems very, very angry," she added.

Fox & Friends enlisted Sanders' father and humor expert Mike Huckabee to evoke the sketch. "You know, comedians are supposed to be funny, they're supposed to make us laugh," thought Huckabee. "I like satire, it's one of my favorite forms of comedy, but its comedy form is not satire, but bitter hatred."

Elsewhere on Fox News, Neil Cavuto showed the clip to Thomas Homan, former director actor of ICE, who called the sketch "the most disgusting thing I've seen in my 34 years. "

"What ICE is doing is protecting this country and keeping us safe.We do not cut our heads, we are not a terrorist organization, and it's insulting to the men and women of ICE ", added Homan. "They should be respected and not be called terrorists, so I'm angry, I'm insulted."

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