Rahul Gandhi to chair the first meeting of the new Congressional Working Committee today | News from India


The new Congress Working Committee (CTC) will meet for the first time on Sunday to discuss the political situation in the country and develop the party's strategy for the Lok Sabha elections in 2019.

Rahul Gandhi, President of the Congress His mother and Sonia Gandhi, former party president, and Ashok Gehlot, chief secretary general, will be among the main speakers of the meeting.

Gandhi reconstituted on July 17 the highest decision-making body of the party with a mix of GenNext Leaders.

Of the 51 members, 23 are in the main panel, followed by 18 permanent guests and 10 special guests.

In addition to heads of state and leaders of legislative parties, the Congress Committee of India (AICC)) secretaries, joint secretaries, heads of departments and cells, members of the Bureau of the Congress Parliamentary Party and members of the Central Elections Committee, a panel that will finalize the candidates for state ballot or Lok Sabha.

Days after Gandhi's heated speech in Parliament during a debate on the motion of censure on Friday. The congressional president launched a dazzling attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and later, in an unprecedented move, gave him a hug.

Gandhi's aggressive speech supported the Congress with its leaders expressing confidence that it will pose a formidable challenge to Modi. Lok Sabha's polls of 2019.

"It was an excellent speech by the President of Congress.The government is completely exposed," wrote top official Ahmed Patel on Twitter The Secretary of AICC Prakash Joshi said Gandhi's speech galvanized and inspired confidence in congressional leaders, workers and executives. "The no-confidence motion was a launching pad for the Congressional campaign for the 2019 elections. Rahulji marked the beginning of the end of Modi and his government. The countdown began as evidenced by the weakness of Modi's response and his false smile. "

The former minister of the union and head of Jharkhand, RPN Singh, said:" It was a hard-hitting and factual speech. Perfect 10/10 … Unfortunately, the Prime Minister's response has nothing to do with the facts and as usual attacked the Gandhi family and again tried to play a victim card. "

While Modi attacked Gandhi the leaders argued that the intention of their party leader was to send a message of love." When the prime minister goes to the press, stranger and embrace the rulers of the world, how shall we call this? By embracing the Prime Minister, Rahul Gandhiji has only tried to convey a message of love, peace, nonviolence and brotherhood, "said Gehlot.

" Rahulji also meant there should be no tension between political rivals despite the divergence of opinions. It was an opportunity for the Prime Minister to do the same thing as Rahulji's gesture and it would have been good for the country, "he added.

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