Stop treating Israel as a black and white question – the front


It's shocking, frustrating and sterile how people determine that everything is black or white, good or bad, right or wrong.

Almost everyone, it seems, has a side, a cause, an oppressor and a victim. And if you do not agree – completely – not only are you wrong, but you are also one of the "them".

Few things show the error of this thought more than the rhetoric around Israel.

A few weeks ago, Jewish children left Birthright, encouraged by left-wing organizations. And everyone takes sides

They have the right to be rascals, to steal a free trip, then to ask for funds to go home –

or they are brave warriors and we should fund their travels

the media, in distant, distant continents, try to justify the sending of balloons with explosives in parks and school courses.

Yet as rockets rained down on terrified citizens:

As the police must make videos to tell children to not not touch the balloons loaded with explosives that land their parks:

As the birds are attached with incendiary devices and acres on hectares of crops, fields and forests are burned on the ground:

While two teenagers tragically die in Gaza in an attack on Hamas's infrastructure:

And as people tear apart the words of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic New York candidate for Congress: [19659011] Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacks Israel, calls them the occupiers of Palestine.

When she insisted on what she meant, she struggled to give an answer and then admitted that she did not know what she was talking about. – Ryan Saavedra ?? (@RealSaavedra) July 16, 2018

Do you know what is

Jewish teens – mine included – are digging Byzantine ruins side by side with Arabs and Behe douins.

Arabs and Jews save lives together in an organization run by religious Jews

Druze and Ethiopians all serve together in the US army and the police.

Israeli children collect supplies for Syrian children.

Palestinians donate to build a synagogue in the honor of a Jewish victim of terror.

Please understand.

Nothing is black and white. simple as the warriors of social justice want you to believe.

But they try. Because thinking is hard. Nuance is difficult and that means you may need to consider, analyze and see that everyone has a story – and that everyone's story needs to be heard.

Yes, the Jews. And yes, Arabs.

Come on, learn, ask! But listen too. And if someone tells you that the story is simple – that there is a black and white way to see it – go ahead. You will learn nothing there but hate it, and you will only help the enemies.

There are people here who really make the difference. There are people living here who love here who want you to know that life here is not all war and pain.

There are people who think that both peoples deserve rights and dignity. goal.

If you are interested, let me know. It would be my honor to add you to this list.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forward function.

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