Giants focus on seamen (Jul 25, 2018)


The San Francisco Giants know a thing or two about playing without their ace, having missed Madison Bumgarner for extended stretches each of the past two seasons.

So, forgive them if they do not feel so bad for Seattle Mariners and James Paxton

The southpaw (8-4, 3.70 MPM) was scheduled to start Tuesday night in the opening match from a two-game series against the Giants

. After a weekend of training, the Mariners left him on the 10-day wounded list and preferred left-handed Roenis Elias.

The Giants ended up winning 4-3, scoring an undeserved run in the ninth inning. to sweep the brief series of two games on Wednesday.

"I went in and played wrestling (Monday) and it was not exactly what we wanted it to be," said Paxton, who should now join the rotation . next Monday when the Mariners host the American West Houston Astr Ostrich leader. "There is still a bit of pain and a bit of inflammation in there, I do not think it's going to take time to get out of it, we just want to make sure we get it right before to leave again and let it go. "

Mariners director Scott Servais understood that the team wants"

"We have a big part of our upcoming season and it's definitely an important factor in our way of doing and in his ability to lead the innings and to be as dominant as he can be. "Servais said." I appreciate the honesty (on the part of Paxton ) to have done. We would like to have it there, but that is not the case. "

Meanwhile, the Giants have announced that southpaw Derek Holland will start Wednesday afternoon in the place of right-hander Jeff Samardzija, who has been in pain" Samardzija needs a little more time ", said the Giants' manager, Bruce Bochy, "He's going to rest for a few days and we'll reassess the situation."

Bochy said that Samardzija (1-5, 6.25 ERA) will not be throwing yet. at that a consensus is reached that it is 100 percent.

"We do not want to push it. We have already done it twice, "said Bochy, referring to Samardzija's previous attempts to get out of the wounded list.

Holland (5-8, 4.06 ERA) knows the Mariners, having spent the first eight seasons of his career. Career of 10 years with the Texas West Rival Texas Rangers. Holland is 13-6 with a 3.73 ERA in 27 appearances against Seattle, including 23 starts.

His last two appearances this season are in relief, and his most recent start was on July 10, when he dropped a heat. In 1965, Mike Leake (8-6, 4.22) had to start for the Mariners. In her most recent start, Leake allowed two runs and six hits in six innings and did not make a decision in Seattle's 4-3 loss to Seattle on July 15th.

Leake, who pitched for the Giants in 2015, is 5- 2 with a 4.81 ERA in 10 career appearances against them, including nine starts.

The Giants got a boost on Tuesday when Hunter Pence, serving as a designated hitter with an inter-league game at an American League stadium, hit his first home run. the season, a 445-foot shot from the facade of the second bridge in the left field of Mariners reliever Chasen Bradford. He broke a homely series of 140 batting for Pence dating from September 25, 2017, in Arizona.
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