Kevin Durant of Golden State Warriors negotiates beards with CJ McCollum of Portland Trail Blazers on Twitter


Kevin Durant was featured on CJ McCollum's "Pull Up with CJ McCollum" podcast this month, and the two NBA stars criticized Durant's 2016 signing with Golden State and DeMarcus' recent signing by the Warriors. Cousins, Durant and McCollum were more defensive on social networks afterwards.

McCollum, Portland Trail Blazers goaltender, has long criticized Durant's decision to leave Oklahoma City as a free agent and help complete a great team in Oakland. McCollum said in a June tweet that Durant "should not have gone [to the Warriors]."

Durant, whose Warriors swept the McCollum Trail Blazers in 2017, had to defend his decision for two years. Durant was even caught using burner accounts on Twitter in September, which he apologized for. McCollum told Durant that he was "hot" about Cousins' signing with the Warriors, which Durant responded by saying, "you know you're not going to win a championship. "

Twitter. In a response to a disciple, McCollum used the word "sweet" to describe Durant's decision to join the warriors.

Referring to Durant, McCollum tweeted to a disciple:

"I still think the word of b is hard and shouldn I know this decision was sweet but I respect it, it's like if I got caught by a group that you should have beaten, then join the band that blew you up and your brothers two months later and forget your brothers "

It did not take long for Durant to answer

"So, I would get into a fight between gangs, plot on my brother for 2 months at home and then I went to get the gang that we lost and beat I think I'm the weakest of me CJ I just made your podcast [f—ing] Snakes in the turf that I tell you. "

McCollum then tried to calm the situation with a follow-up tweet, but not directly addressing Durant.