Who is Andrew Brunson, the pastor inciting threats of sanctions against Turkey? : NPR


US pastor Andrew Brunson is detained in Turkey on charges of terror and espionage. In a tweet, President Trump called Brunson "a great Christian, a man of family and a wonderful human being".

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US pastor Andrew Brunson is detained in Turkey on charges of terror and espionage. In a tweet, President Trump calls Brunson "a great Christian, a family man and a wonderful human being."

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Updated at 4 pm ET

The Trump administration threatens sanctions against Turkey if the US ally does not release an American pastor accused of terrorism and espionage.

At an event on religious freedom, Vice President Mike Pence called "If Turkey takes no immediate action to release this man of innocent faith and send him back to America, the United States will impose significant sanctions on Turkey until Pastor Andrew Brunson is free, "Pence said.

In a tweet, President Trump echoed this threat, calling Brunson "a great Christian, a family man and a wonderful human being."

A Question of Faith

Brunson, 50, hails from North Carolina and has lived in Turkey for more than two decades. He was swept away by Turkish authorities with journalists, activists, military officers and others in a government crackdown following a failed military coup attempt in 2016.

at the State Department's ministerial conference for the advancement of religious freedom – a new event under the Trump – Pence administration has was joined by Brunson's daughter, Jacqueline Furnari. He had promised that he and Trump would continue to fight for Brunson's release. The Vice President stated that he had recently spoken to Brunson and his wife.

"I know his faith will support him," said Pence. "But he should not have to do it."

A First Step

Brunson was detained for over a year without charges before being accused of "splitting and separating Turkey by simply spreading his Christian faith". I said. Pastor denied being involved in anti-government activities, as alleged by Turkish authorities

In April, a bipartisan group of senators led by Thom Tillis of North Carolina signed a letter expressing concern over the situation of Brunson.

This week, the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee approved a law that would impose financial penalties on Turkey until the government ends the detention of Brunson and other US citizens. . As Erdogan's power grows and the "purge" continues “/>

"We never wanted this bill to be necessary, but we warned the Turkish government that there was would have consequences if he did not stop his unjust detention and harassment. "President Bob Corker, R-Tenn., Said in a statement.

Brunson was released from prison on Wednesday and placed on the house, and banned from leaving Turkey." Pence called it "a first step." welcome "but" not good enough "and called the" believers "to pray for the liberation of Brunson.

Sanctions threatened

The White House has not provided details on sanctions against the Turkey, nor announced a firm date for the release of Brunson.Pence said only that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan should be "ready to face the consequences" if the pastor is not released immediately.

Evangelical Christians Who Celebrate New Johnny Moore, One of Trump's Informal Evangelical Advisors, Tweets "Bravo" Regarding Pence's Sayings.

Threatens to Punish Turkey send a mess It's clear to this nation – and to every nation in the world – that when it comes to religious freedom, the United States means business, "Moore told NPR in a statement to NPR [19659009] influential Christian pastors and advocacy groups are preparing to urge their congregations and other networks to boycott Turkish tourism, including Turkish Airlines, with the aim of putting pressure on Turkey to liberate Bru nson. He said the coalition wanted to highlight the pastor's critical situation "while there is momentum" around the issue.

The message, says Moore, is: "If Turkey is not sure for Brunson, she is not sure." 19659009] Tony Perkins, another Trump ally and advisor, described the movement as a "clear and unequivocal message to tyrants in Turkey" in a tweet

Brunson is represented by the American Center for Law and Justice, which issued a statement. crediting Trump's "critical role" in Brunson's release from prison this week. The group's chief counsel, Jay Sekulow, also represented Trump in legal affairs.

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