West Nile Virus found in Arlington Mosquitoes


ARLINGTON, MA – Several mosquito pools in Arlington and other surrounding communities have been tested positive for West Nile virus, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Although there has been no human case of WNV reported this year, the Arlington Board of Health urges residents to take precautions to prevent mosquito bites.

"We want to remind residents that the possibility of contracting a mosquito-borne disease remains as long as West Nile virus circulates in the area," said Natasha Waden, Arlington's director of public health . "We advise residents to be smart when they are outdoors, especially at dawn and dusk, and to take precautions at home to prevent mosquito breeding."

There are had six confirmed human cases of VNO last year. The virus, which is most often transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito, poses a more serious threat to people over 50 years of age.

Arlington works to prevent mosquito breeding by treating all watersheds and wetlands, and by working with homeowners to remove large stagnant water sources such as abandoned pools.

In addition, the Arlington Board of Health recommends the following safety tips:

Mosquito-Proof Your Home:

  • Empty stagnant water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Limit the number of places around your house for mosquitoes to reproduce by draining or throwing objects that retain water. Check the gutters and drains. Empty unused flower pots and wading pools and frequently change the water of the bird baths.
  • Install or repair mosquito nets. Keep mosquitoes outside by having neat mosquito nets on all your windows and doors.

Avoid mosquito bites:

  • Apply an insect repellent to the outside. Use a repellent with DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), permethrin, picaridine (KBR 3023), lemon eucalyptus oil [p-methane 3, 8-diol (PMD)] or IR3535 according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used in infants less than two months of age and should be used at concentrations of 30% or less in older children. Lemon eucalyptus oil should not be used on children under 3 years old.
  • Be aware of mosquito rush hours. The hours that go from dusk to dawn are the most difficult times for many mosquitoes. Consider postponing outdoor activities in the evening or early morning.
  • Clothes can help reduce mosquito bites. Wearing long sleeves, pants and socks on the outside will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin

Top photo via Shutterstock

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