Activists attack Afghan midwifery training center


Kabul (AFP) – Several gunmen stormed a midwifery training center in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing at least three people, witnesses said. have reported seeing plumes of smoke rising above the enclosure. A witness close to the scene told AFP that he could hear sporadic shots, suggesting that the attack might be underway.

Several midwives were rescued, spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar province. Attaullah Khogyani said:

Provincial Health Department spokesman Inamullah Miakhil confirmed that her midwifery center had been attacked.

A witness in a nearby department told AFP that he had heard several explosions.

Ambulances and members of the security forces invaded the area, some of the security forces seemingly dismantle several ex According to a witness at AFP, Jalalabad has been the scene of several attacks in recent months that have killed dozens, while US and Afghan forces continue their offensive operations against militants

. Government buildings are a common target for insurgents

The last major attack in Jalalabad took place on July 11 when gunmen attacked a complex of the city's education department, triggering hours of fighting. # 39; action. battle with the security forces.

At least 11 people were killed in the attack.

A suicide bombing claimed by ISIS on a crowd of Afghan Sikhs and Hindus in Jalalabad on July 1 killed at least 19 people and wounded 21 others.

The Taliban is the largest militant group in Afghanistan and IS has a relatively small but powerful presence, mainly in the east and north of the country.

He appeared in Afghanistan in 2014 and quickly established a stronghold in Nangarhar.

Intensified operations against activists have failed to dislodge them.

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