Tennessee primaries will clarify the races for the open seats of the House


With three seats open among the nine congressional districts of Tennessee, the state's US House contingent will welcome new faces into the fold.

The partial makeover begins with the primaries. select party candidates in the races for the nine seats in the House in the November general election. Six incumbents appear to be safe in the primary – unless major upheavals – so the focus will be on two vacant seats vacated by two candidates looking for other jobs, and another created by a retirement

John Knoxville Republican John Duncan Jr. releases District 2 in northeastern Tennessee. Republican Governor Diane Black's campaign allows District 6 to recruit a new member to represent the northern part of the state. And Marsha Blackburn's Republican candidacy in the US Senate to replace Bob Corker opens District 7 for fresh blood in Middle and West Tennessee.

It's the race that can have the most outstanding candidates.

On the Democrats' side, Justin Kanew, a screenwriter and producer and former contestant of College Grove's "Amazing Race," is running against Green Beret of the Matt Reel Special Forces of Primm Springs. Kanew is leading the fundraiser on Reel, who has returned from a deployment in South America, where he was working to combat drug trafficking, about two months ago

Mark Green of Ashland City, who resigned secretary earlier this year amid criticism of his comments on homosexuals and transgender people, is the only GOP candidate in the solidly Republican district.

neither Kanew nor Reel held elective office. But both say they are qualified to head a large district that has leaned Republican in recent years. It includes the predominantly white suburb of Nashville, Williamson County, the city of Clarksville – which includes the Fort Campbell Army Base – and a series of rural counties. Blackburn has represented the district since 2002.

Contributors to the Kanew campaign include actor Susan Sarandon and Los Angeles Lakers owner Jeannie Buss. Former Congressmen Harold Ford Jr. and Lincoln Davis donated to Reel's campaign.

"As a producer, I have been responsible for solving problems and solving problems," Kanew said. Washington needs fewer "career politicians," he added, describing himself as a "bridge builder who walks the aisle to talk to people."

Reel, who was also deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, says "outsider" "

" What I learned in the army, it is to be a servant leader and put the needs of others before mine " said Reel, who worked for Davis when he was in the office. "Unfortunately, we do not leave Washington, we have a lot of dysfunctions."

The two Democrats say that they want to improve access to affordable health care and increase salaries in the district. They criticized Green for being part of a Republican-led general assembly that voted against federal funding to develop Medicaid in Tennessee under the Affordable Care Act of former President Barack Obama [19659002GreenaformerarmyflightsurgeonwhogrewupinMississippicityraisedmorethan$16millionastheonlyGOPcandidateintheDistrict7raceHewasapprovedbyprominentcuratorssuchasTedCruzandRickSantorum

"The breadth of my life experience really allows me to serve the entire district better than anyone else," Green said. Secretary of the Army last year after that he was heavily criticized for his remarks about Muslims, and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans. Green called the attacks "false and misleading" and accused Democrats and the media of orchestrating a "hit" on his appointment.

In District 2, the large Republican Field includes Knox Mayor Tim Burchett, State Representative Jimmy Matlock of Lenoir City, military aviator Ashley Nickloes, and the man of Jason Emert's business in Louisville. Three Democrats are vying for the nomination of this party in the traditionally GOP district.

Matlock and Burchett stood up for negative attacks against each other. Knoxville News Sentinel Approved Nickloes

Retired Judge Bob Corlew of Mount Juliet and Cookeville Farmer John Rose targeted in media ads on the Republican side of the District 6 race. Both spent a great deal Money for their campaigns.

Dawn Barlow of Rickman, Merrilee Wineinger, Minister of the United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, and Peter Heffernan of Gallatin led fund-raising on the Democrats' side

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