Palestinian teenager jailed for slapping soldiers leaves prison: spokesperson


Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi left the prison Sunday after an eight-month sentence for hitting two Israeli soldiers, a video-captured episode that made her a symbol of resistance for Palestinians, said a spokesman for the prison administration. Tamimi, 17, and her mother, who was also jailed following the incident, were led by Israeli authorities from a prison in Israel to a checkpoint leading to the occupied West Bank, where they live

They were to arrive at a checkpoint near the Palestinian city of Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank

Both were sentenced to eight months in prison by an Israeli military court as a result of an agreement on the December incident. that the Tamimi family said to have taken place in their yard in Nabi Saleh in the West Bank.

The video of this film became viral, leading the Palestinians to consider her as a hero resisting the Israeli occupation.

Ge was painted on Israel's separation wall cutting the West Bank, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas leased it and social media was flooded with support.

But for the Israelis, Tamimi is used by his militant family as a pawn on stage.

They evoke a series of incidents of this type involving him, with older photos of his soldiers confronting widely shared online.

Many Israelis also praised the restraint of the soldiers, who remained calm throughout the actions deserved a more severe response.

Tamimi was arrested in the early hours of December 19, four days after the incident. She was 16 years old at the time.

His mother Nariman was also arrested, as was his cousin Nour.

Ahed Tamimi, seen here in a photo file, was arrested in the early hours of December 19

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