JetBlue supplicates maid for repayment after the bride asks her to "give up" the title, "homework"


A maid of honor asked JetBlue to refund her ticket after being fired from her role as maid of honor in her friend's wedding.

Courtney Duffy, an MBA student at the Ivy League Dartmouth College, took Twitter to express her frustrations. The girlfriend and future wife Alex sent her an email asking Duffy to "give up" her "bridesmaid homework".

"SOS @JetBlue! I booked my XC flights [cross-country] for a wedding, then I was asked to" give up "my" bridesmaid duties "and to post my XC bridesmaid outfit so that another girl can fill it up and wear it (happy birthday! & cry and must avoid this wedding at all costs.) Duffy wrote on Twitter, which has since been made private, reports Daily Mail.


The email sent to Duffy, shared by Marie Claire, begins to rent Duffy for his efforts to be there on Alex's special day – before asking him to retire from being a maid of honor.

"I am so happy to hear you book flights! I am sorry that the courses take so long to settle in. I know how hard you work to be here for the wedding and that means a lot for us! "writes Alex in the email, reported Marie Claire. "I have a huge favor to ask you, and it's one of the most difficult things I've ever had to ask someone, but I have to ask to give up your bridesmaid duties. "

"Could you send me the suit by mail, I will send you the postage and the cost of the suit – tell me the total."

– Alex, the bride

" Come to the wedding, have a fabulous time, and travel in the time you need without stressing anything else! "The letter continued. "When I asked you, I really hoped that you could be part of it all – the bachelorette trip, at least the weekend, the preparation and the full night of the event (a flight from the Sunday night means you will not even be able to be there for the entire wedding) … the swirling nature of what your trip has become just will not work with homework as a party member. so much, so sorry !! "


Alex assures Duffy, "Please do not feel like letting me down, I ask you to do that." I love you and I like your friendship so much and I fully understand the need for you to prioritize the school! I want you to be able to concentrate on it without worrying about any additional wedding concerns. "

However, she then asks the student to return her wedding attire

"And I know it's incredibly awkward, but there is a possibility that I may be able to" 39. Have someone else in the role and assume the duties.Could you post me the combination? I will send you the postage and the cost of the combination – let me know the total, "Alex wrote before signing," and if you want to talk on the phone, please let me know! we are totally cool! "

The e-mail split Twitter – many have marked the bride a" bridezilla ", while others agree that the bridesmaids should give a lot of time to a wedding.

JetBlue accepted a more diplomatic approach, after agreeing to refund the ticket, tweeting that they would be happy to help the two friends to "tinker with things" with a free weekend for them. girls whenever the couple would be ready

Twitter users were unhappy with the carrier's response


After Duffy's tweet became viral she returned to Twitter to publish a statement thanking JetBlue

did not expect this answer – it is clear that the situation has resonated.Thank you @jetblue for the refund I hoped for, and thanks to everyone for joining us vows, humor and even the devil's plea, "she writes, reports Daily Mail. "Weddings have become totally out of control – it's not just an email – I hope this thread will remind future lovebirds and future weddings to keep their feet on the ground." "

Alexandra Deabler is a lifestyle editor and writer for Fox News.

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