Patient examined for Ebola virus at Denver Health


Denver Health authorities on Sunday investigated an isolated patient for a possible Ebola case, authorities confirmed

"It's a possible but unlikely diagnosis," said Jennifer Hillmann, door of Denver Health and Hospitals. Denver hospital officials hijacked ambulances and temporarily shut down downtown facilities on Sunday, Hillmann said, but normal operations resumed on Sunday afternoon. manipulation of the situation

The details were not communicated to the patient, except to confirm that the doctors assessed the situation with the isolated patient

The patient was enrolled in a fair condition

". the situation and symptoms presented by the patient, it is unlikely that this will be confirmed as a case of Ebola, "Denver Health"

"We follow our standard procedures however and take all necessary precautions.

Denver Health is functioning normally and there is no threat or concern for the patient and the staff. or the safety of visitors. The hospital is open for business as usual.

Denver Health Staff is Trained and Equipped to Address Disease Situations infectious. The hospital is one of 10 regional facilities designated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to treat patients with Ebola.

At the hospital, staff members described the situation as "control". According to the CDPHE website, the Ebola virus is a rare but serious viral disease that often causes fevers, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach upset, weakness, muscle aches and pains. bleeding or unexplained bruising. There has been no outbreak of Ebola in the United States.

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