In anticipation of the trip to Asia, the business lobby gives Pompeo a victory over the trade war


WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged Monday to intensify the Trump administration's diplomatic engagement with Asia in a speech that followed a fierce attack on the president's trade policy by a usually strong Republican ally. Donohue, long-time President and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce, introduced Mr. Pompeo at an Indo-Pacific business forum by criticizing the protectionist trade measures that he said have led to the Great Depression and World War II. He said that the US commitment to free trade has kept peace around the world.

"If our businesses lose their access to foreign markets, they will struggle to remain competitive in the global economy," Donohue said. reference to the trade war and President Trump's tariffs. "Today, foreign policy is domestic politics."

Pompeo spoke before his trip to the region this week for a ministerial meeting in Singapore of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as well as bilateral meetings in Indonesia and Malaysia. The trip comes as Asian nations move away from the United States.

"When we say" free "in the Indo-Pacific, it means that we want all nations to be able to protect their sovereignty from the coercion of other countries "said Mr. Pompeo. "At the national level," free "means good governance and the assurance that citizens can enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms."

Yet he largely ignored India and the promotion of democracy in his speech – a notable omission on both fronts.

For decades, one of the cornerstones of US policy in Asia has been a concerted effort to enhance ties with India – in part to thwart China, a strategy that the former secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson promised to speed up. and visit to New Delhi last year.

"Trump's administration is determined to deepen considerably the ways for the United States and India to promote this partnership," said Mr. Tillerson at the time.

cooled significantly. A meeting last year between Mr Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India was disastrous; Videos revealing that Mr. Trump was making fun of Mr. Modi's way of talking aroused keen interest in India, which exasperated the country's elite

. Trump's tariffs hit Indian manufacturers; its decision to renounce the Iranian nuclear deal and reimpose economic sanctions on oil-buying countries in Tehran could hit India particularly hard. Recent congressional legislation to impose sanctions on countries buying military equipment from Russia is also threatening New Delhi, and the Trump administration has canceled high-level talks with Indian officials three times

. Pompeo is also due to visit India as a state secretary, although this is his fourth trip to Asia in just over three months.

Michael Green, a leading Asian adviser to President George W. Bush. The "peaceful" terminology was adopted last year by Mr. Tillerson, says the absences.

"The framework of" Indo-Pacific "is good, but it is stumbled by all that is wrong with the foreign policy of this administration". I said. "What does Trump really represent, and how do you do that without a regional trade policy?"

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