WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Ronda Rousey and Brock Lesnar Back, Seth Rollins Attacked, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW Viewing Party. The show tonight comes from the American Airlines Arena in Miami.

– Tonight's WWE RAW opens with a graphic in memory of WWE Hall of Fame member Nikolai Volkoff. They show a graphic in memory of Brian Christopher Lawler, the champion of the WWE team team.

– We receive a video package with highlights from last week's main event between Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley. The crowd appears as we see Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar, WWE Universal champion, behind the scenes at the American Airlines Arena in Miami.

– We go straight to the ring and we get the number 1 of the contenders to Roman Reigns. JoJo does the introduction as Michael Cole greets us. He is joined by Corey Graves and Jonathan Coachman.

Reigns enters the ring and the heat resumes. Reigns says he has to give a special helping hand to Miami because their energy is always high. He gives a shout to Bobby Lashley last week and says that he really respects Bob, which is more than he can say for that idiot Brock Lesnar. Reigns continues on how Lesnar has more time to show up at the UFC, to talk to Daniel Cormier about trash than for WWE. He says Lesnar is here tonight, but he will not go out in Reigns' court and will not talk trash on his face as he did at the UFC. Paul Heyman interrupts while he comes out on stage with a mic. Heyman addresses to ladies, gentlemen and reigns, and introduces himself.

Heyman says his client has sent him to congratulate Reigns for last week's victory to become the new No. 1 competitor. Heyman continues on the definition of madness – doing the same thing and securing himself. waiting for a different result. Heyman says that Reigns should be in a padded cell, not in the main event of SummerSlam. Heyman has a spoiler, not a prediction – Lesnar will beat The Big Dog at SummerSlam and then go to the UFC to become a two-sports champion. Reigns tells Heyman to shut up because we're here to see Lesnar, without hearing what Heyman has to say. Reign told Heyman to get him out. Heyman announces that his client is there but he will come here whenever he wants and only if he wants to go out. Boo fans. Heyman tells Reigns not to worry because at SummerSlam Lesnar goes … Reign interrupts and wonders if Lesnar will even show up at SummerSlam. Reigns says that if Lesnar shows up in Brooklyn, he will send him back to the UFC, but he will not come back as The Beast, he returns as b — h of Roman Reigns. Heyman looks furious as Reigns drops the microphone and the fans. Heyman returns to the back while Reigns's music hits

– We see Seth Rollins backstage warming up for tonight's game with Drew McIntyre. We also see the backstage of Ronda Rousey talking to Natalya. It will be Natalya against Alicia Fox later tonight with Rousey and Alexa Bliss, RAW Women's Champion, in their corners

Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

We go on the ring and comes from Finn Balor for the opening match tonight. We go to the commercial

Back from the break and Brock Lesnar is behind the scenes reading a magazine. Paul Heyman comes in and asks if he just saw what happened. Lesnar asks why would he watch the show, he does not watch the show. Heyman says Lesnar needs to see what Roman Reigns said about him. Heyman takes out his phone to show Lesnar but Lesnar throws the phone into the wall and sits down. We return to the ring and Constable Baron Corbin comes out

The bell rings and they head for the corner. Balor is sent to the floor but he returns to the fight. Corbin returns Balor to the ground, but he runs back and throws his forearms. Balor maintains Corbin with a side headlock now. Corbin fights and drops Balor with an elbow in his jaw. Balor's lip is open, it appears. Corbin takes Balor around the corner and places him on the last turnbuckle. Corbin rocks Balor but he defends himself. Balor with a dropkick missile, sending Corbin to the ground for a break. Balor runs around the ring and drops Corbin with a forearm.

Balor brings him back to the ring but Corbin continues to look for the return. Corbin plays Balor while he is on the apron now. Corbin hits Balor on the floor with a huge clothesline. Back to the advertisement.

Back from the break, Corbin turned around. Corbin keeps Balor at the ground in the middle of the ring now. Corbin Balor floors with another large clothesline for a 2 count. Corbin keeps Balor in the ground now. Balor gets an opening and nails a dropkick, sending Corbin out of the ring. Balor approaches the ropes, but Corbin drops him off and drops him on the apron. Boo fans like Corbin stay out for sniffing. Corbin returns to the ring and mocks Balor while he's down.

Balor against Corbin. Balor takes Corbin around the corner for big strikes. Corbin dominates again but the Balor markers. Balor runs in a big boot. Balor returns immediately with an enziguri, sending Corbin back to the ground. Balor runs the ropes and nails a huge dive, taking Corbin to the ground. We go back to advertising.

Back from the break, Corbin has Balor in the middle of the ring. Balor is looking to make a comeback now. Corbin blocks the Slingblade. Balor runs the ropes and blocks a chokeslam. Balor drops Corbin for an account of 2. Balor with a Slingblade now. Balor charges but Corbin strangles him in the backbreaker for a count of 2.

Corbin blocks Balor's return but Balor drops him in the corner. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grâce but must land on his feet while Corbin moves. Corbin nails a Deep Six for another 2 close. Corbin with splashes in the corner. Balor with a dropkick while he's getting ready for another big shot on the floor. Balor loads and sends Corbin into the barrier. Balor brings him back into the ring and drops Corbin in the corner. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grâce but Corbin moves away from the path. Corbin surprises Balor with End of Days for the pin

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, Corbin stands straight as we go to the replays. Corbin leaves the ramp but stops and turns to Balor. Corbin enters the ring to attack but Balor tries to fight. Corbin sends Balor to the ground and the attack against the barrier while boo fans. Corbin raises his arms in the air and smiles, heading backwards as officials check Balor

– Paul Heyman is behind the scenes telling a staff member to find him a new phone. RAW General Manager Kurt Angle arrives and asks what it is that Brock Lesnar does not appear, he must appear as he is contractually obliged. Heyman says his client has fulfilled his obligations when he entered the arena. Heyman says it's not his problem, that's the problem of Angle and he wants to talk more about it, go to Lesnar's locker room. Angle says no, that's Heyman's problem, not his. Angle threatens to end Heyman's contract if Lesnar does not come to the ring tonight. Really? Really. Are you serious? I am very serious. Heyman breathes and breathes away

– Still to come, a return to the Evolution announcement of last week. We go to advertising.

– Back from the break and advertisers are thanking the WWE Universe for 30 million YouTube subscribers. They bring us to a replay of the announcement of WWE Evolution .

– Alicia Fox warms up behind the scenes when Alexa Bliss approaches. Bliss says that she chose Fox to face Natalya tonight because her best friend Mickie James is injured this week. Bliss says Ronda Rousey will be in Natalya's corner tonight, but she will take care of her, not to worry. Bliss also mentions the Pay Per Sitting Evolution and gives Fox arguments as a pioneer, saying Evolution could be where she cements her legacy. Fox assures Bliss that she will hurt Natalya tonight.

Natalya vs. Alicia Fox

We go to the ring and go out Natalya. She stops on the stage and waits for Ronda Rousey to join her. Rousey arrives at a pop, coming back from her storyline suspension. Rousey and Natalya head for the ring together as we head back to the pub.

Back from the break, the RAW Women Champion, Alexa Bliss. She stops on the stage and waits for Alicia Fox to join her before they head for the ring. The bell rings and they lock. Natalya takes Fox to the carpet but Fox returns. They return to their feet and face each other. Natalya drops Fox with a shoulder. They run the ropes and Natalya rolls Fox for a count of 2. Natalya runs into an elbow in the corner. Fox goes to the top and brings Natalya with a roll-up for another 2 count. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but Fox grabs the bottom rope just in front of Bliss. The referee warns Bliss

Fox eventually traps Natalya in the cover of the apron and beat her. Fox brings him back to the ring but Natalya can not bring him away. Fox keeps Natalya to the ground when Bliss smiles and looks. Fox is working Natalya for a few minutes, taunting Rousey. Fox with an abdominal stretch, turning that into another submission. Natalya dominates and throws Fox down. Fox returns immediately and drops Natalya while Bliss talks about the shit from the outside.

Natalya tries to make a new comeback now and drops Fox on her face. Natalya returns with the basement dropkick and the discus clothesline for an account of 2. Fox ends up hitting a crossbody for another 2 count. Fox with the Northern Lights suplex for an account of 2. Fox tries to kick Rousey from the ring but the referee arrives. Bliss takes advantage of the distraction and strikes Natalya from behind through the ropes. Fox comes and gives a big kick to the pin

Winner: Alicia Fox

– After the match, Rousey pursues Bliss in the ring and slams him. Rousey goes to get the armbar, but Fox comes back and stops. Bliss steps back while Rousey leads Fox into the carpet. Bliss tries to run around the ring but Rousey steps out of the ring and pursues her, preventing her from jumping over the fence. Fox arrives from behind and drops Rousey as Bliss approaches. Fox throws Rousey into the fence a few times. Boo fans like Bliss and Fox lead the ramp together. Rousey turns in the ring to check Natalya. Rousey fumbles as she gets up and sets Bliss. Fans sing Rousey's name

– We go back behind the scenes of Heyman and Lesnar. Heyman suggests that Lesnar goes on the ring tonight, for sales of t-shirts and adds value to his SummerSlam due to the increase in WWE Network subscriptions. Heyman says that Lesnar will also be able to brag about going to the UFC to become a double champion. Heyman says that he was there earlier and the love for Lesnar was huge. Heyman says that Miami will give Lesnar a huge welcome when it goes there. Lesnar says he's not bullshitting about the WWE Universe. He does not do any bullshit when he is here tonight because he prefers to be home on his own couch. Lesnar tells Heyman to go do something useful, like getting a steak – a good way with a baked potato and steamed broccoli. Lesnar, not knowing Heyman's work is online because he's not watching the show, telling Heyman to get out of here and beat him. Heyman is hurrying …

– Still to come, Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins and The Riott Squad vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley. Also, Jinder Mahal vs. Braun Strowman.

– Elias came out with his guitar. Back to advertising

– Back from the break and Ronda Rousey is backstage with Natalya and Kurt Angle. Rousey says that she is tired of Alexa Bliss, she does not want to wait for SummerSlam. Angle announces the first game of Rousey's simple RAW for next week in Jacksonville, Florida, against Fox. Rousey thanks him and says that she is happy to be back from suspension

– We go to the ring and Elias plays the guitar.

Elias boasts of the success of his new album, saying that he beat Panic at Disco and Post Malone, among others. Elias brings Bobby Lashley and takes pictures in Miami. Elias hits Miami for renting The Rock. Fans sing "Rocky" now. Elias says The Rock does not want anything from him. Elias starts playing a little more but is interrupted by Lashley's music.

Lashley hits the ring and Elias asks him why he is here. Lashley says that he is a big fan and thought that he would have gone out and heard what Elias had to say after hearing his name mentioned. Elias says that he can see through Lashley and that he wants to sing with Elias, not just walk with Elias. Lashley says he's not singing, he's fighting, but Elias insists, asking the fans what they think. Elias starts a performance but stops and plays on Lashley. Elias talks about something but Lashley comes back and sends him back. Lashley stands straight and looks from the ring when his music strikes

– Kevin Owens approaches Baron Corbin behind the scenes and congratulates him for making the smile of Finn Balor's face fall. Owens continues to suck Corbin and wants to make sure he has a chance to win Braun Strowman's Money In the Bank purse at SummerSlam before Braun cashed in. but Corbin is not interested in helping him, saying that the contract is Braun until SummerSlam and he should talk to Kurt Angle. Corbin goes away

– We see the angle of last week between Strowman and Jinder Mahal. Braun vs Jinder will take place tonight. We go to advertising

Braun Strowman vs. Jinder Mahal

Back from the break comes Mr. Monster In the bank, Braun Strowman. Fans sing "take these hands" while Braun stands in the ring. Jinder Mahal then went out with Sunil Singh

The bell rings and they lock. Braun dominates and pushes Jinder around the corner. Jinder gets up and looks terrified when Braun stares at him. Kevin Owens suddenly appears at the ring and he has Braun's briefcase. Jinder tries to come from behind, but Braun turns around and hides him. Braun leaves the ring and confronts Owens. Owens mocks him with the towel. Braun pursues Owens around the ring. Owens launches the case at Singh. Braun runs on Singh and keeps running, but stops to pick up the case. Braun pursues Owens on the ramp and Owens runs to the back. Braun is counted

Winner by Count Out: Jinder Mahal

– After the match, Braun returns to the ring and retreats of Jinder. An angry Braun gets up with the briefcase while the "get this hands" goes back

– Baron Corbin is behind the scenes with Kurt Angle. Corbin hands her a phone and RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon is on the phone. Angle says that he does not think Stephanie's idea is good because the fans will be disappointed and they have to protect the main event. Angle tells Stephanie to enjoy the rest of the show

– It remains to come, Banks and Bayley against Riott's team. Back to Advertising

– Mike Kanellis, L 'Ascension, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Rhyno and Heath Slater are behind the scenes of the locker room and do nothing. Mojo Rawley comes in and says that he knows that they have watched what he's doing. It's not behind a keyboard, it's right here. He talks about recent beatings that he gave to No Way Jose and Tyler Breeze. Mojo enters Ryder's face, but Bobby Roode makes fun of him. Roode asks Mojo if he has a problem with him. Mojo asks what he thinks, will Roode lure him into his bid? Roode attacks and they start fighting until Superstars separate them.

Apollo Crews vs. Akam

We go on the ring and go out Titus Worldwide – Apollo Crews with Dana Brooke and Titus O Neil. The authors of the pain are as follows, Akam with Rezar. We are getting a video of a sidebar recorded earlier today with The Authors sending a warning to Titus Worldwide and the rest of the locker room. Akam says he's going to snap Apollo's book tonight.

The bell rings and Akam brings Crews to the carpet with a two-legged takedown. Akam with a big whim. Akam talks about trash while keeping control, throwing crews into the ring in front of Titus and Dana. Akam is now working on the mat and keeping it on the ground. The fans are trying to rally the Crews while he's in the middle of the ring. Crews gets a brief opening, but Akam the scoop. The crews fight and give two big kicks. Crews bounces on the ropes and hits a big boot in the head. Crews takes Akam and gets up for a pop.

Crews with a big enziguri to bring back Akam. The crews hit the monster of the moon standing for a tight count of 2. Akam dominates again but misses a shoulder in the corner. Crews takes advantage and brings Akam to victory

Winner: Apollo Crews

– After the match, Titus Worldwide takes the lead while Rezar joins Akam in the ring. Titus points to the ring and it looks like he'll soon be facing Rezar.

– We see Drew McIntyre warm up behind the scenes for Seth Rollins while Dolph Ziggler discusses it. Back to the advertisement

Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins

Back from the break, Seth Rollins joins a pop. Drew McIntyre is next with WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.

The bell rings and Drew brings him to the bend, unloading on Rollins. No more back and forth to start. Drew hits a big suplex and goes upstairs, lifting the apron until Rollins hits him. Rollins runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Drew catches him and drives him into the barrier with a modified Spinebuster. With the ring frame still exposed, Drew positions Rollins under the steel frame and catapults his throat to the inside. We go to the publicity with Drew standing on Rollins.

Back from the break and Rollins made a comeback. Rollins nails a suicide plunge, sending Drew into the barrier. Rollins with another dive, dropping Drew on the outside. Rollins sends the shoulders first under the ring now. Rollins brings him back into the ring while Ziggler looks at him. Rollins with a shot in the corner. Drew blocks a suplex. Rollins thwarts a shot and eventually hits a Falcon arrow for a count of 2.

Rollins goes up for The Stomp now that the fans are doing the "burn down!" song. Drew arrives but Rollins hits him. Drew continues to fight and crush Rollins with a Spinebuster for 2 points. No more counters in between. Rollins drops Drew and goes to the top. Drew climbs and cuts Rollins. Drew places Rollins on his back and slams him to the mat for another tight 2. Fans sing "It's awesome" while Drew is waiting for Rollins to get up. Rollins slips from another movement and rolls Drew for an account of 2. Rollins nails The Stomp but Ziggler hits the ring and attacks Rollins for disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Seth Rollins

– After the match, Ziggler continues the attack and talks about trash. Rollins contracts quickly and gets tangled with Ziggler, erasing it to the floor. Rollins runs the ropes and nails a big dive to Ziggler. Rollins smiles as JoJo announces the winner. Drew looks from the ring and he's not happy that Rollins music hits

– Cole shows us a resumption of the opening segment with Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns. We also see Kurt Angle threatening to shoot Heyman if his client does not come in the ring tonight, and the backstage segment stretched between Heyman and Brock Lesnar. The cameras cut the backstage of Reigns in his locker room. Angle enters with Baron Corbin and says that RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon has asked her to remove Reigns from the building because of Lesnar's coming tonight. Reigns asks where is Stephanie. Angle says that Reigns is in danger of losing his title SummerSlam if he does not do it. Reigns says it must stop. Reigns goes on and says Angle is a dog, an Olympian, he's not a man-yes. Corbin asks the police to intervene and Reigns asks if this is really necessary. Reigns goes out alone but stops and drops Corbin with a big right hand first. Angle shakes his head while Reigns is escorted by the police. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break, Brian Kendrick and WWE Cruiserweight Cedric Alexander in an untitled match are announced for this week's WWE 205 Live

– Advertisers send us to Charly Caruso in the ring. She presents RAW Tag Team Champions Team B and Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas, still in contention. We see how they picked Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt last week.

Cathy mentions their winning streak 7-0 and questions her on their new success. Bo continues to rant about how real this is. Axel says that most people live their dreams, but the B team dreams of living. Yes. Charly asks about Hardy and Wyatt. They call the old champions losers and want them to come out because the B team can beat anyone. The lights go out. The lights come back and Wyatt & Hardy are in the ring. Charly comes out as the two teams face each other. Some fans do the "delete!"

Matt says that the success of Team B is a cosmic anomaly. He continues and Wyatt begins to sing afterwards, saying that the dreams of team B are not real and mean nothing, and can not be touched. But nightmares? These are real. Wyatt says that they are the nightmare of team B, manifested. Wyatt says that they will haunt the B team until they are finally deleted. The "delete!" the song begins until the music stops and the Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are released. Dash and Dawson hit The B Team and boast of defeating Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley. The Revival wants Wyatt and Hardy to retire so that some real Top Guys can handle their business and get the job done. Bo says that Team B will be more than happy to retire. Bo seems to attack but the Revival defends itself. Team B retreats while The Revival goes with The Deleters of Worlds. Wyatt and Hardy send The Revival out of the ring while Team B looks from the top of the ramp.

The Revival vs. Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt

Back from the break and the match is underway while the B team is on the comment. Matt goes with Dash. Wyatt comes for the double team. Dawson eventually came to overthrow Wyatt. Matt goes from behind and comes and goes with Dash.

Matt gets an opening with a jawbreaker at Dash. Dawson runs before Matt can tag. Dawson with a few shots but Matt hits the side effect. Wyatt and Dash score at the same time. Wyatt takes him to the corner and drops Dawson on the apron while he's charging. Wyatt splashes Dash in the corner and then launches in the middle of the ring. Wyatt poses and plays to the crowd. Dawson comes out of the top but Wyatt catches him. Dash comes back but Wyatt avoids the double team. Wyatt looks like chokeslam dash but Dawson drops it.

Matt walks in and takes Dawson to the floor. Dawson drives Matt into the fence a few times. Dash with a knee to Wyatt in the ring. Wyatt drops Dash. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail but Dash gets a handful of hair. Dawson scores and they catch Wyatt with a Shatter Machine for the win.

Winners: The Revival

– After the match, The Revival stands at the rhythm of the music. Team B gets up at the table of commentators and mocks them.

– Renee Young is behind the scenes with Seth Rollins. She congratulates him on the win and says that it must be frustrating to face two Superstars. Rollins says that's the case but they need to know that there is no resignation in him and there is nothing that he will not do for get the title at SummerSlam. Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre suddenly attack Rollins from behind and beat him. They destroy it and hold it for a second before the officials come to check Rollins and they go

The Riott Squad against Sasha Banks and Bayley

We Let's go to the ring and outside comes Riott's squad – Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan. Ruby Riott is still far from recovering from his knee injury. Logan and Morgan hit the ring as we return to the pub.

Back from the break, Riott's team is waiting for Sasha Banks to come out on top. Bayley is next as they head for the ring together. Banks and Bayley wear the corresponding equipment. Cole says that they are now using a new name for their team – The Boss & Hug Connection. Advertisers review the SummerSlam map while Banks and Bayley wrap the entry.

Bayley begins with Logan. Logan slaps her on the carpet and looks at her. Logan catches Bayley's arm and the ragdolls afterwards. Banks gets the tag for a quick double team. Banks delivers a Thesz Press and works on Logan but can not win. Banks with a quick arm lock. Banks with more attack and a dropkick for a 2 account like Liv talking trash from the corner. Banks takes Logan to the corner and Bayley joins a scroll. Logan gives the kickoff to 2.

Logan charges in the corner but Bayley drops his face into the top spigot. The banks tag with a knee running in the corner. Banks with a forearm to send Logan into the ring. Liv comes to check Logan while she's on the apron but Banks yells at him. We go to marketing.

Back from the break, Logan now controls Banks. Logan brings Banks back to their corner and Liv comes with the double team. Liv Plant Plants face the first in the carpet and covers for an account of 2. Liv keeps the banks to the ground now, screaming. Banks tries to tag but can not get it. Banks abandons Liv and arrives Bayley's hot tag

Bayley drops Liv on the second rope and removes it with further attack. Bayley with a big knee in his head. Bayley knocks Logan off the apron. Bayley with a shoulder to Liv's intestine in the corner. Bayley with more offense until Liv gets his knees in the corner. Liv goes to the second rope but Bayley rocks her. Bayley climbs and Banks scores. Bayley brings Liv to the carpet with a hurricanrana while Banks climbs to the top. Banks with double knees above but Logan breaks the pin up just in time. Bayley launches Logan on the floor. Liv drops Banks but flips her into a label. Banks hits Backstabber and Bayley immediately nails suplex Bayley-to-Belly for pin

Winners: Sasha Banks and Bayley

– After the match, Banks and Bayley celebrate as the music strikes

– Paul Heyman interrupts backstage reading of Brock Lesnar. Heyman has another proposal because the show is almost over – they make an appearance, nod, say goodbye and hello to Miami, then they will be in a steakhouse having fun. Heyman says nothing can go wrong because Roman Reigns was escorted out of the building. Lesnar asks Heyman if he got his money. Heyman dit que oui, il a été payé parce que Lesnar s'est présenté pour remplir ses obligations contractuelles. Heyman remercie Lesnar de lui avoir permis de signer un contrat pour toutes ces années mais il a aussi un contrat avec la WWE qui lui permet de travailler pour Lesnar. Heyman continue et supplie Lesnar de sortir dans le ring pour lui, parce que ce sont des amis. Lesnar se lève et attrape soudainement Heyman par son col. Lesnar veut clarifier une chose – ils ne sont pas amis, Heyman travaille pour lui. Lesnar demande combien de temps Heyman l'a quitté. Lesnar ordonne à Heyman de sortir et de faire son travail. Un Heyman terrifié dit OK et s'éloigne.

– De retour de la pause, Mojo Rawley et Bobby Roode sont annoncés pour le RAW de la semaine prochaine

– Nous allons sur le ring pour le segment principal de ce soir alors que le directeur général de RAW, Kurt Angle, sort avec le gendarme Baron Corbin

Angle prend le micro et dit à Paul Heyman de sortir Brock Lesnar ou ce sera la nuit dernière de Heyman sur RAW. Un sombre Heyman sort et donne son introduction habituelle sans l'enthousiasme. Certains fans le boo. Les fans chantent "au revoir" à Heyman alors qu'il entre dans le ring.

Heyman dit que Lesnar ne sortira pas ce soir. Angle s'énerve et dit qu'un vrai champion se présente, défend à tout prix son titre, fait un effort supplémentaire pour les fans, fait des choses pour les organisations caritatives et les communautés, mais Lesnar ne fait rien de tout ça. Angle dit que Lesnar doit être le pire Champion Universel de tous les temps. Un "oui!" le chant commence maintenant. Heyman dit qu'il ne va pas se disputer avec Angle parce que oui, Lesnar est le pire Champion Universel de tous les temps. Heyman dit qu'il a essayé de réhabiliter et de transformer Lesnar d'un combattant de l'UFC en un artiste de la WWE, mais il n'a pas écouté parce qu'il n'écoute personne et ne respecte personne. Heyman perd son esprit ici. Angle le regarde comme s'il était fou et dit que Heyman est plein de merde. Heyman dit à Angle de faire quelque chose à Brock, pas lui parce qu'il a essayé toute la nuit. Heyman commence à embrasser Angle maintenant et dit qu'il aimerait avoir une meilleure relation de travail avec Angle. Angle annonce que le contrat de Heyman est terminé. Angle dit que Heyman est fini. Heyman supplie Angle de ses genoux. La musique frappe soudainement et Heyman commence à sourire. Le Champion Universel de la WWE arrive

Lesnar se dirige vers l'anneau et le cerne avant d'entrer. Heyman rit et sourit tandis que Lesnar place le titre par-dessus son épaule. Heyman lève le titre alors que certains fans boo. Lesnar regarde Corbin puis Angle, prenant le micro. Lesnar demande à Angle s'il a un problème avec lui. Il demande la même chose de Corbin. Lesnar s'empare d'Angle et le laisse tomber avec le F5 de nulle part. Corbin regarde et traverse lentement les cordes, faisant sa sortie de l'anneau. Heyman regarde Angle et se moque de lui. Heyman donne le titre à Lesnar et Lesnar le jette par-dessus son épaule. Ils regardent tous deux Angle et rient. Lesnar attrape soudainement Heyman par sa bouche. Heyman dit que Brock lui fait mal et qu'il ne peut pas respirer. Lesnar dit à Heyman de regarder Angle. Lesnar presse Heyman sur le tapis et lui met un genou. Les fans font des chants de duel pour Roman Reigns maintenant. Lesnar abandonne Heyman et s'empare de son titre, se tenant debout au rythme de sa musique. Heyman récupère sur le tapis tandis que Angle est toujours disposé. Lesnar monte la rampe et regarde l'anneau avant d'aller vers l'arrière. RAW s'éteint.

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