Hurricane Florence, the first major hurricane of the year, could pose a threat to the east coast of the United States


According to the National Hurricane Center, the first major hurricane of the 2018 season, Florence, suffered Wednesday maximum winds of 125 mph. It was about 2,000 miles from the US coastline, still too far for a reliable forecast of the landing.

Still, European and American computer models showed Wednesday morning that a threatening hurricane was dangerously close to last week's Outer Banks of North Carolina, a significant shift to the west compared to previous models. Other forecasts, however, showed that Florence was 500 miles offshore.

A satellite image shows Hurricane Florence on Wednesday, September 5th.

The trajectory of the storm will depend on the development and movement of several meteorological systems as the storm is directed by a large ridge of high pressure in the eastern United States and the northern Atlantic Ocean. country.

So, even though it's not yet time to press the panic button – the models will probably change significantly over the next week to 10 days – Florence definitely has an interest in watching from close.

Although Florence remains at sea, the models show many other systems developing over the Atlantic, almost when the hurricane season reaches its peak on September 10th.
Hurricane season summit in the Atlantic
The focus on Florence comes less than a day after tropical storm Gordon hit the US Gulf Coast, leaving a dead child and causing storms Monday in the southern and western the west-central.
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