The first look at Captain Marvel of Brie Larson should please Comic-Book Fans


Since his casting was announced at Comic-Con in 2016, Marvel is eager to see what the Oscar Brie Larson will look like super heroes like Carol Danvers – a.k.a Captain Marvel. Now, with his solo film still in six months, Larson can finally be seen in all his starry glory. It's a look that should make fans of comics very, very happy.

The red in the first image of a costumed Larson is slightly darker than the shade that we usually see wearing by Carol in the comics; It seems that his palette has been deepened to match the Captain America cinematic. And while the material is shiny, it looked more like the tougher cinematic fabric of Cape than the sticky spandex we see on the page. The biggest change is the removal of his belt, which has been replaced by a thin, dark red belt designed to fit red gloves and boots. The star on Carol's chest is still bright and shiny.

See her finally on the cover of Weekly entertainment, Marvel fans, more casual, can now understand why this picture of Nick Fury at the end of Avengers: Infinity War attracted gasps of recognition delighted by known audiences. It's undeniably Carol's badge on the screen, and we can only hope that she will arrive in the next The Avengers film in time to save all the heroes who disappeared with the powerful slap of Thanos.

If Captain Marvel of Brie Larson, cartoon character released in 1968, is so Special Nick Fury would call it while the world literally collapses around him, so where was it all the time that the Avengers were defending the Earth? This is a good question, but perhaps the most relevant one iswhen was she? Captain Marvel The film will be a period film set in the 90s. In this version of the events, Fury and Danvers met several decades ago. Larson has been training for nine months to prepare to play convincingly an air force pilot, endowed with extraterrestrial powers that give him superhuman strength, the ability to fly and to do not grow old one day. the energy blows from his hands. You can see these explosions ready to go into this first official image and get an idea of ​​how they could steal from a cartoon version of the hero.

These explosions of energy are accompanied by a fierce look on Larson's face that corresponds to the sometimes confrontational attitude of Danvers. Larson tells EW"She can not help but be herself. It can be aggressive and may have a temperament, and it can be a bit overwhelming and on your face. She is also quick to jump to things, which makes her unbelievable in battle because she is the first to go out and does not always wait for orders. But the [not] waiting for orders is for some a character defect.

You will probably hear as much about Captain Marvel's hair as about your costume. This may not be the most controversial haircut in a recent Marvel movie memory (see: Thor), but it's a debate that Larson himself has prepared. During his press tour for Kong: Skull Island, Larson explained, "Every day, people scream at me on Twitter like" You'd better have long hair "or" You'd better have a Mohawk "or" You better wear the helmet. ". will be crazy. "

The Captain Marvel comic book helmet, with its blond mohawk shock surpassing the top, is nowhere to be found in this official image. It's hardly a surprise. it has long been a controversial part of Captain Marvel's look. But some fans have wondered if Larson could wear it after all, when his co-star Samuel L. Jackson posted this photo featuring a Danvers helmeted on his Instagram:

Cartoon writer Kelly Sue DeConnick– widely recognized for Captain Marvel's recent popularity with readers – both adore the accessory and know that his inclusion in the film is a feature film. "I like the headphones!", Said DeConnick Vanity Fair in 2016. "This is do not a universal opinion. After leaving the book, they got rid of the helmet. I have a lot of boring continuity arguments about the history of the headset and a list of reasons why the headset exists. I want the helmet! "DeConnick has taken a much more casual stance on every other aspect of Carol 's on – screen look:" What works in comics and what works in action is very different. Do you want to get an idea of ​​this? Just walk around a cartoon convention. See the guys who defend these lean costumes judging women and reprimanding them for wearing them in real life. What will work on the page and what will work in three dimensions is very different.

But "skimpy" is hardly the adjective we would use to describe the costume worn by Captain Marvel of DeConnick or the outfit Larson wears on this picture. The Marvel movie version not only matches the appearance of other superheroes in the film universe of Marvel, but it also looks strikingly similar to Jamie McKelvie The reconfiguration of Captain Marvel's character from 2012. The editor of DeConnick has made the change of four decades of Danvers waders and swimsuits. Stephen Wacker.

When Wacker originally proposed the idea to DeConnick, it was so revolutionary in the comic book world that she replied: "I can not tell if you're laughing." But six years Carol 's latest call to the girls is probably in everyone' s mind at Marvel 's as they prepare to launch her into the first solo film directed by a woman. Now, it's impossible to imagine Carol trying to fight the evil with Scarlett Johansson Black Widow or Chris Evans Robust Captain America while wearing something other than pants, boots and a stand-up collar.

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