Hurricane Florence gets stronger in the Atlantic: Tips to prepare for the storm


Florence Satellite 1


(Hurricane Florence is the sixth storm of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season).

Hurricanes can wreak havoc in coastal areas, but there are steps you can take to prepare for a storm.

In fact, there are things you can do right now, says, like putting three days of supplies together and knowing the local evacuation routes and where the shelters are.

Keep reading for further steps to follow, with Hurricane Florence becoming the first major hurricane of the year.

Countdown recommends taking several steps when a storm is at 36 hours.

"Restocate your emergency preparedness kit," says the site. "Include enough food and water for at least three days, medicines, a flashlight, batteries, money and first aid supplies.

It also encourages the passage on the roads and the places of evacuation – as well as on how to communicate with relatives in case of power failure. Vehicles must also be ready to leave.

"Keep your car in good working order and keep the fuel tank full; store your vehicle with emergency supplies and change of clothes, "advises the site of preparation.

To get closer

There are also other tips that people can follow if they have 18 to 36 hours before a hurricane. advises people to take "loose and light" items, such as garbage cans and trees that can hit buildings. They should also hide windows, as with shutters or planks.

If a hurricane is closer – 6 to 18 hours away – cell phones must be charged.

There are also tips for knowing when the storm is only 6 hours away.

"If you're not in an area recommended for evacuation, plan to stay at home or where you are and let your friends and family know where you are," he says. You can also use refrigerators and freezers on the coldest option possible and avoid windows.

People in both categories should also check "the latest weather updates and emergency instructions" every half hour.

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