TRAPPIST exoplanets-1 were worlds of rocky water


APCZOPLANKES TRAPPIST-1 оказались скалистыми водными мирами

Astronomers have described the seven exoplanets in orbit around the icy dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 in the constellation Aquarius. According to the results, they are mostly covered with rocky land and some may contain more water than the Earth.

Reports from scientists noted that all exoplanet systems have a strong nucleus and an atmosphere very similar to Earth, especially TRAPPIST-1e – its mass and radius are similar. In addition, it receives from the star approximately as much energy as the Earth is from the Sun.

Recall that the first three exoplanets around TRAPPIST-1 were opened in 2016. A few months later, it was discovered that up to seven, and all, were falling into the "habitable zone" – the distance from the sun where the Water can remain liquid.

This system is the "champion" of the amount of solid rocky planets and is relatively close to us, at a distance of 40 light-years.

Research using modern scientific methods has shown that the density of exoplanets is 0.6 to 1.0 density of the Earth. They are all rich in water. In some worlds, its volume can reach 5% of the total mass (Earth – 0.02%).

The closest to the star is TRAPPIST-1b and c. They probably have dense nuclei and are denser than the Earth's atmosphere. These planets are warmer than their neighbors.

TRAPPIST-1d – the easiest of the seven planets. Its weight represents only 30% of the earth. This low weight can be associated with the presence of an ocean or an ice shell on the surface.

TRAPPIST-1f, g and h located at a distance from the star and probably covered with ice. Scientists think that in their thin atmosphere, they do not contain heavy molecules like on Earth.

Astronomers are particularly interested in the "twin" of our planet TRAPPIST-1e. It is a little heavier than the Earth and probably has a dense iron core, but the presence of a dense atmosphere, the ocean or layers of ice until proven otherwise.

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