Type 2 Diabetes: More Browns: Whole Grain Foods such as Rye, Oat or Wheat Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes


LONDON: According to one study, eating whole grain foods like rye, oats or wheat can help prevent type 2 diabetes.

The ability to use whole grains for the prevention of type 2 diabetes has been known for a long time. However, the role of whole grain sources has not been studied.

It is also not known how much whole grain is needed to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

"Most studies similar to ours have already been conducted in the United States, where people mostly harvest their whole wheat," said Rikard Landberg, a professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

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Food issues

May 18, 2018

The life you lead and the food you eat are two important factors for diabetes. Both play a role for those who are already fighting and for those who remain vulnerable.

Whole foods that are not treated should always be on the menu. But also remember that some items should be away from the dining table if you want to avoid diabetes.

In addition, avoid special diets and respect what you do at home. Just follow the basic rules like keeping a constant number of calories during meals.

"We wanted to see if there was a difference between different cereals." One could expect that there would be, because they contain different types of dietary fiber and bioactive substances that influence about the risk factors for type 2 diabetes, "said Landberg.

The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, was conducted in Denmark, where the consumption of whole grains varies enormously.

The study showed that the type of cereal product or cereal consumed by the participants was no different: rye bread, oatmeal and muesli, for example, appear to offer the same protection against type 2 diabetes. .

More important is the amount of whole grains that are eaten every day – and the study also provides important insights into scientific knowledge of daily doses.

The participants were divided into 4 different groups depending on the amount of whole grains that they declared eating. Those who consume the most consume at least 50 grams of whole grains each day.

This corresponds to a serving of oatmeal and a slice of rye bread, for example.

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Food for diabetics

July 3, 2018

Although being active, staying hydrated and checking blood sugar can work wonders, so it's important to follow a diet that will prevent diabetes in the long run.

A recent study showed that antioxidant-rich nuts can halve the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
For patients, the ideal dietary regimen would be to consume 1200 to 1600 calories a day. Diabetics are recommended to eat good carbohydrates, fats and healthy proteins, but in small portions.

ETPanache has contacted doctors and dieticians to provide you with the final list of foods you must consume to stay healthy.

Read also: The complete guide to diabetes

The proportion of those who developed type 2 diabetes was the lowest in the group reporting the highest whole grain consumption and increased for each group that consumed less whole grains.

In the highest whole-grain group, the risk of diabetes was 34% lower for men and 22% lower for women than for the group that consumed the least whole grains.

Comparing the role of whole grains in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to other foods studied in other studies reveals that whole grain consumption is one of the dietary approaches. the most effective.

Drinking coffee and avoiding red meat are other factors that can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Whole grains are defined as consisting of the three main components of the grain: the endosperm, the germ and the bran.

Those who avoid all cereals to try a low carbohydrate diet lose the positive health effects of whole grains, which come mainly from bran and germ.

Landberg thinks that cereals and carbohydrates in general should not be avoided in the diet.

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