5 reasons why the anonymous editorialist of the New York Times makes Donald Trump so crazy


More real words have never been spoken.

In fact, when reading the editorial, the first thing that struck me was how much the writer must know about Trump – because he understands so many known triggers of the president's anger. If you wanted to write a piece for the sole purpose of provoking – and dragging – Trump, it would look a lot like "I'm part of the resistance inside the Trump administration".

1. It's in the New York Times

Remember the Times is the local Trump newspaper. He loves her much more than any other media in the world. If you want to make sure you keep Trump's attention, you have to put something in the New York Times. He will see it And probably quickly.

2. It is anonymous

Yes, this is probably more the result of the "senior official" who keeps his job and avoids the crush that would fall on him if the editor had a signature. But not giving a name to the words has the side effect of pushing one of the trump pirates. He has opposed the anonymous supply for years.

He calls those who offer anonymous quotes "cowardly" and even suggested that media organizations invent anonymous quotes. (Narrator's voice: They do not do it). At the right time, Trump tweeted this Wednesday night: "Does the so-called" senior official "really exist, or is it just the New York Times missing from another source? If the anonymous GUTLESS person does exist, the Times must return it to Government immediately! "

3. He portrays it as weak

Donald Trump considers himself an apex predator in the jungle of life. He is at the top of the food chain – has always been, always will be. This op-ed paints a picture of Trump as hopeless, distraught and unfortunate. "Meetings with him are irrelevant and off the beaten track, he makes repeated calls, and his impulsiveness translates into half-reckless, misinformed and sometimes reckless decisions that must be rejected," the paper writes.

4. It is written by someone who works for him

13 people who could be the author of the New York Times op-ed

Trump is a big – BIG – believer in the chain of command. He is above All who work for him do what he says. Or they get fired. This is one of the reasons why Trump has had so much trouble adapting to the presidency. He does not seem to understand, for example, that if the Department of Justice is part of the federal government, the Attorney General should not take his daily orders from the President. That someone who not only works for him but holds a senior position in his administration has the nerve to write something like the Times' editor would make Trump bananas.

5. He plays on his paranoia

The roots of Trump's political life lie in conspiracy theories; he was a champion of the idea debunked that President Barack Obama of the time was not born in the United States. Trump has been fumbling in the conspiracy theories since – since the idea that Ted Cruz 's father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy with the idea that Hillary Clinton was hiding a kind of terminally ill during the 2016 campaign. He is never more paranoid than in his own life, where he is absolutely convinced that people are still plotting against him. "Deep State" someone? An anonymous platform of a senior official will only reinforce his belief that everyone really East to find it!

It does not take much imagination to evoke an image of Trump that gets more and more red and agitated as you read this article. And then on Twitter – and in public statements. (You do not need to imagine these last two, since Trump has done both in the last 24 hours.)

This op-ed was designed for that exactly. Mission accomplished.

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