The Mediterranean diet has advantages in old age, according to a study


Now, one study suggests that membership in the Mediterranean diet can help prolong your life even if you are already 65 years old or older.

A Mediterranean diet involves eating plant-based meals, with only a small amount of lean meat and chicken and more servings of vegetables, fruits, legumes, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish.
According to the study published last week in the British Journal of Nutrition, adherence to such a diet was associated with a risk of death from all causes of 25% lower in a sample of older people in the region of Molise in Italy .
"We found, for the first time, a dose-response relationship between the Mediterranean diet and the risk of mortality, which means that the more important the membership to this regime, the greater the benefit," said first author of the study, Marialaura Bonaccio. Epidemiologist at the Mediterranean Neuromed Institute, Hospital and Research Institute in Pozzilli, Italy.

The study did not explain exactly how diet could be linked to a prolonged life, but "the Mediterranean diet is rich in many anti-inflammatory foods, for example, olive oil and fiber and antioxidants" . a role in improving longevity.

For the study, researchers tracked the state of health and diet of 5,200 people 65 years and older. Adults were included in the study between 2005 and 2010 and were followed until December 31, 2015. Dietary intake of each adult during the year before the beginning of the year. Registration was evaluated in a food frequency questionnaire called EPIC.
The researchers measured each adult's adherence to the Mediterranean diet by giving them a point to consume a food group, such as fruits and nuts, vegetables, legumes, fish, monounsaturated fatty acids compared to saturated fats. consumption of alcohol. Monounsaturated fats are a healthy fat that is found in olive oil and other foods of plant origin.
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The researchers found that an increase in one point of each person's Mediterranean diet score was associated with a lower risk of death from all causes, and specifically from coronary heart disease.

According to the researchers, there were 900 deaths among adults for an average of eight years.

The researchers also examined what was known in the scientific literature on the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for health by conducting a meta-analysis of six previously published studies.

In the meta-analysis as well as in the new findings of the researchers, they found that each one-point increase in Mediterranean diet score was associated with a rate of 5%. lower risk of death from all causes.

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"The main finding is that adherence to the Mediterranean diet protects against all-cause mortality and against some cardiovascular effects in a sample of older people," Bonaccio said.

"We found that one of the most important food groups is the consumption of monosaturated fats – the main source being extra virgin olive oil, mainly the consumption of saturated fats. This means that you must consume more than saturated, "she said.

The study had certain limitations, including the fact that it was an observation and that only an association between a Mediterranean diet and longevity was associated with a cause-and-effect relationship. Another limitation was that food intake was self-reported.

In addition, the meta-analysis included only a small number of studies.

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In total, said Bonaccio, "the novelty of the study is that we have specifically looked at the benefits for the elderly."

Since the study was conducted only in adults 65 years and older, the results can not be generalized to other age groups.

Still, the study confirms earlier findings regarding the benefits of a Mediterranean diet for older adults, said Mercedes Sotos-Prieto, Assistant Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Ohio and Visiting Scientist at Harvard TH School of Public Health Chan, who did not participate in the new research.

"There is strong evidence published in recent decades showing the health benefits of following a Mediterranean diet," she said.

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For example, Sotos-Prieto was the first author of a study published last year in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed a consistent association between better overall nutrition over 12 years and a significant reduction in risk of death premature.
The study evaluated improvements in diet quality according to the Mediterranean diet score, as well as the 2010 Healthy Eating Index of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in the United States and the US Diet Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. It included 47,994 women and 25,745 men aged 30 to 75 years.

In other words, like the new study, this research also showed that prolonged life could be associated with the Mediterranean diet.

According to Sotos-Prieto, dietary changes have been associated with a 16% lower mortality risk for adults whose Mediterranean diet score has improved over the last 12 years.

"The Mediterranean diet includes the healthy elements of a healthy diet – including the consumption of fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, olive oil, fish and red and processed meats – enjoying meals with family and friends, "she said." The Mediterranean diet is a diet that can be easily maintained in the long term, and this is also reflected in the long-term benefits, including the Longevity improvement. "

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