Grand jury examining the case of deputy director of the ex-FBI, Andrew McCabe: NPR


A grand jury in Washington, DC, is looking into the case of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who was fired earlier this year after an internal surveillance investigation.

Mark Wilson / Getty Images

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Mark Wilson / Getty Images

A grand jury in Washington, DC, is looking into the case of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who was fired earlier this year after an internal surveillance investigation.

Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Prosecutors in Washington, DC, prevented a grand jury from examining the case of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the office after investigators found he was "lacking openness".

The Department of Justice's Internal Oversight Service referred Mr. McCabe to the US Attorney's Office to determine if he was facing criminal charges in addition to losing his job.

Prosecutors and grand jurors achieve this determination now.

The US prosecutor's office said Thursday it would not confirm or deny any investigation.

McCabe's lawyer, Michael Bromwich, said the administration of President Trump continues to press the justice department in a case in which McCabe did nothing wrong.

"Unfortunately, this pressure has continued, the President targeting Mr. McCabe in many additional tweets," said Mr. Bromwich.

He continued: "A leak about the investigation took place in late May, very close to the announcement that Mr. McCabe had written notes suggesting a possible criminal behavior of the president. the President – is a sad and ill-veiled attempt to distract the American public. "

The Inspector General of the Department of Justice concluded that Mr. McCabe misled the investigators the Wall Street newspaper postpone in 2016.

McCabe's legal team says that any discrepancy in his account is due to honest mistakes – not to intentional misrepresentation.

McCabe was fired earlier this year for what the Department of Justice described as a lack of candor, just hours before receiving all his retirement benefits and health benefits.

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