Britain's relationship with China after Brexit threatened by confrontation in the South China Sea


A clash between the British and Chinese navies in the disputed South China Sea could derail trade relations between the two countries after Brexit, the China Daily reported.

The incident saw a British warship, HMS Albion, sailing through the waters claimed by China near the Chinese occupied territories in the Paracel Islands at the end of August. The Chinese navy ordered the British ship to leave the area and the situation did not get worse, according to Reuters.

The episode provoked outrage from Beijing, who accused the UK of violating international law.

Now, it is possible that the tensions caused by the incident create a "keystone" in relations between the UK and China once the EU has left the EU and will attempt to find new trade agreements, said the China Daily.

HMS Albion, an amphibious assault ship of the British Royal Navy, arrives in Tokyo, Japan, in August 2018.
Toru Hanai / Reuters

In an editorial titled "The UK should try to have more than one friend," the paper accused Britain of leading the maneuver to try to seduce the Trump administration before Brexit by provoking China.

This could damage relations between London and Beijing and threaten any trade deal.

"Now that it is looking at the United States as an economic lifeline after leaving the European Union, the UK is certainly looking forward to seizing every opportunity to get into the good books of Washington," he said. declared the editorial.

"China and the United Kingdom have agreed to actively explore the possibility of discussing a free trade agreement after Brexit, but any act that undermines China's main interests will only things in place, "continued the statement.

Satellite view of part of the Paracel Islands in the disputed South China Sea.
Google Maps

Britain has made it clear that it wants to conclude many trade deals with countries around the world after Brexit.

The United Kingdom obtained its first such agreement last week when Prime Minister Theresa May agreed on the basis of a new agreement with South Africa during a visit to the country.

Given that China is the world's largest exporter and second largest importer, the UK is likely to favor a strong trade relationship with it to maintain prosperity after Brexit.

China Daily said in its editorial: "During her visit to Beijing at the beginning of the year, British Prime Minister Theresa May is committed to stepping up" the golden age " Sino-British relations.

"To achieve this, the country should refrain from being Washington's hangman in the South China Sea".

Sharksucker is a term used in China to describe what one might call a "suck-up" in English.

Theresa May visited China earlier this year.
Dan Kitwood / Getty

The South China Sea is a controversial issue in Chinese politics. Six countries impose limits on their natural gas-rich waters, through which billions of dollars in global trade pass each year.

Beijing on Thursday accused the UK of violating Chinese and international law by navigating the disputed waters.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry told Reuters in a statement: "The relevant actions of the British ship violated Chinese law and applicable international law and undermined China's sovereignty.

"China strongly opposes it and has presented severe representations to the British side to express its deep dissatisfaction".


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