Paul McCartney surprises fans in Elevator on Fallon – Rolling Stone


Paul McCartney and Jimmy Fallon surprised unsuspecting fans in a hilarious sketch aired Thursday the Tonight.

Groups of different fans boarded an elevator on the pretext of touring the NBC studios at 30 Rockefeller Center. Instead, the elevator is open to a scene from Paul McCartney and Jimmy Fallon doing various things.

One group had the opportunity to see the two men bask in velvet robes while reading the newspaper, the doors of the lifts of another group were opening playing ping-pong. "No way," shouted a fan. "Oh yes, of course!" McCartney remarked. Yet another group panicked when Fallon pretended to do a magic trick, but when he dropped the cover, McCartney was there. Each time, the fans shouted with disbelief and joy.

"I thought when I was little, I was going to marry Paul McCartney," said a fan. "So, it's the closest I've ever had and I'm delighted."

The final joke was on them, though. As McCartney and Fallon sang "Drive My Car" in preparation to surprise another group, the doors opened to a fanless elevator.

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