New York Times boosts security against anonymous opinion controversy


The New York Times has strengthened its security in the light of the controversial opinion released this week by a Trump administration official.

In an internal email released Friday, the Times told its employees that the company would change the security measures because of the negative reaction of the opinion. The email was first reported by CNN on Friday.

"Given the increased nature of the attention we are currently receiving, we have changed the level of our security," the newspaper's management told employees.

Danielle Rhoades Ha, spokesperson for the New York Times, confirmed to HuffPost that the mention of the increase in security was "among various notes" in an email sent across the company.

Quoting the company's policy, Ha declined to comment on whether the Times had received substantial threats to his office or his employees.

A person identified as a top official of the Trump administration on Wednesday published a scathing tribune in the Times, saying a network of senior officials was trying to "frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations" from within .

In the editorial, entitled "I'm part of the resistance inside the Trump administration," the author describes a chaotic administration under the direction of a careless little leader. It also assures Americans that "adults are in the room" and "are trying to do what is right, even when Donald Trump will not do it."

Angry, Trump called the anonymous author "without courage" and suggested that it was an act of treason. Earlier Friday, Trump called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the author, who he says poses a threat to "national security."

Since the publication of the editorial, the New York Times has received an influx of reader calls viciously denounce publishers to publish the piece.

Thursday, White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted The New York Times phone number and encouraged people to call the newspaper.

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