Poor communication can block the natural healing cycle


Washington DC: It turns out that advances in the treatment of chronic diseases, where the cause of the problem is often unknown, are hindered by poor communication in our body.

Much of modern Western medicine relies on the treatment of immediate and acute damage, ranging from physical lesions to infections, fractures and colds to heart attacks and asthma.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than half of adults and one third of children and adolescents live with at least one chronic illness.

A new study found that chronic diseases are essentially the consequence of blocking the natural healing cycle, particularly through metabolic and cellular disruptions.

The healing process is a dynamic circle that begins with an injury and ends with healing. The molecular characteristics of this process are universal. New evidence shows that most chronic diseases are caused by the biological response to an injury, and not to the original injury or injury agent. The disease occurs because the body is unable to complete the healing process.

For example, melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer, can be caused by sun exposure decades ago, damaging DNA that has never been repaired. Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur months or years after healing of the original head injury. A concussion experienced before an earlier concussion is completely resolved usually leads to more severe symptoms and prolonged recovery, even if the second impact is less than the first.

"Progressive dysfunction with recurrent injury after incomplete healing occurs in all organ systems, not just in the brain," said Naviaux, a researcher. "Chronic diseases occur when cells end up in a repeated loop of incomplete recovery and re-lesion, unable to heal completely.This biology is at the root of almost all known chronic diseases, including susceptibility to recurrent infections, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic heart and kidney diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Alzheimer's dementia, cancer and autism spectrum disorders. "

For more than a decade, researchers have been studying and developing a theory based on the cell hazard response (CDR), a natural and universal cellular response to injury or stress. In the new article, Naviaux describes the metabolic features of the three stages of the DRC that make up the healing cycle.

The goal of the CDR is to protect the cell and revive the healing process by essentially causing the cell to harden its membranes, to cease its interactions with its neighbors and to retreat on itself until the danger disappears. . But sometimes, the CDR gets stuck.

At the molecular level, the cell balance is altered, preventing the completion of the healing cycle and permanently changing the way the cell responds to the world. When this happens, cells behave as if they are still injured or in imminent danger, even if the original cause of the injury or threat has passed.

On the basis of increasing evidence, metabolic dysfunction leads to chronic diseases as progression in the healing cycle is controlled by mitochondria-organelles in cells known to produce most of the energetic cells necessary for survival – and metabokines, Metabolic signaling molecules to regulate cell receptors, of which more than 100 relate to healing.

The results appeared in the Journal of Mitochondrion.

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