10 more cases of West Nile virus reported in Mobile County


Ten more people have been tested positive for West Nile virus in Mobile County, bringing the total number of cases to 11 since the confirmation of the first case in August, county health officials said Friday.

"The public should assume that there are mosquitoes carrying the disease in Mobile County." Do not let your guard down, "said Dr. Bernard Eichold, head of health, in a statement.

WNV can cause coma or death in rare cases, according to health officials, but often causes high fever, severe headaches, stiff neck, muscle confusion, paralysis, disorientation and convulsions. Severity can depend on age and health.

Health officials urge county residents to pay special attention when they are outdoors at dusk and dawn, during which time most mosquitoes are active. Wear long pants and shirts, use repulsive water and empty stagnant water.

The risk of encephalitis transmitted by mosquitoes is highest between August and the first frost of autumn. WNV is transmitted by birds through mosquitoes that feed on the blood of infected birds and then bite humans. Horses can also be infected, although there are vaccines for horses. There are no human vaccines.

To report a mosquito problem in Mobile County, call 251-690-8124 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

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