Astronomers: Earth is something that can kill 95% of living things


Астрономы: к Земле приближается то, что может убить 95% живых существ

The Earth is a strange object at high speed.Astronomers use the National Science Foundation radio telescope to record the threat of the jet (a thin stream of gamma radiation) formed after the fusion of two neutron stars. The event, dubbed GW170817, took place last August, reports in reference to Today.

This clash is unique in that it was the first in the history to be discovered immediately in the form of gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves, including gamma rays, X-rays , visible light and radio waves. Basically, it was a powerful ecumenical fireworks display.

Then the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio interferometer observed something very strange – sometime after, after the melting of the stars, the scientists discovered the area emitting radiation and it moved so quickly that jets. In addition, this unusual jet rushes to Earth at a speed very close to the speed of light (about 97% of the light).

The danger is that if such a jet falls close to the ground, it will kill about 95% of the living creatures on the planet. Scientists believe that the extinction of the Permian took place 250 million years ago, precisely for this reason.

The only consolation is the fact that the jet is at a distance of 130 million light-years and that, as a result, the gamma radiation will reach our planet very soon.

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